Monday, November 23, 2009

Life is a marathon not a sprint - celebrate it with flowers

A pretty flower - Zinnia

Characteristics: Zinnias, which come in many radiant colors, are the glory of the summer garden. The flowers range in size from 2 inches to 6 inches. Some have ruffled petals and others are open like daisies. They bloom in a few weeks from seed and withstand hot dry weather. Zinnias make wonderful cut flowers and also dry nicely when placed in silica gel.

Cultural Information: Zinnias like well-drained garden soil enriched with rotted compost. They are prone to mildew, so it is best to water at the base rather than overhead. You can also buy one of the new mildew-resistant varieties such as Burpee's 'Pinwheel' Series from Balaclava florists, which comes in wonderful colors. To encourage bushy plants, remember to pinch the blossoms back. The more you cut, the more zinnias will produce. My favorites are the dahlia-like double-flowered zinnias such as 'Burpee's Big Tetra Mixed' and 'Giant Flowered Mix', which dry beautifully.

Harvesting/Drying: Collect flowers to be dried at their peak of bloom, and before they have started to fade in color. Check to make sure the flowers you pick are not discolored by mildew.

My dearest flower series - Fritillaria

Leaping from the earth in spring, unmarred by frosty weather, the 2½- to 4-foot stems of the crown imperial are topped by a crest of leaves beneath which hang great clusters of 2-inch reddish orange, bronze, red or yellow flowers. Because the flowers' odor is musky and the lily like leaves die down in early summer, crown imperial is best planted in perennial or shrub borders where neither its scent nor its fading foliage will be objectionable. The only other species that is widely available from a florist Mt Eden is the spring-blooming F. meleagris. It grows about 12 inches tall with drooping bell-shaped 1½-inch flowers checkered purple and white; F. meleagris alba is pure white. Both make good borders or random plantings in rough grass.

There are many species of fritillaria native to western North America, but these usually do not succeed elsewhere. Among them are F. lanceolata, which grows 1 to 2 feet tall and has yellow-mottled dark purple 1-inch flowers; F. pluriflora, which grows 6 to 12 inches tall and has pinkish purple 1-inch flowers; F. pudica, which grows 6 to 9 inches tall and has purple-tinged yellow 1-inch flowers; and F. recurva, which grows 24 to 30 inches tall and has yellow-checkered scarlet 1-inch flowers. All bloom in spring.

Preparing a mossed frame

Most florists use plastic foam bases as foundations for funeral tributes, as preparing a moss frame — mossing the frame, backing and then edging it — is a tedious task. However, the techniques involved in using a mossed frame are part of the florist’s basic skills.

Mossing, backing and edging

Collect the materials together and start by cleaning the damp moss, removing any twigs or stones. Attach reel wire or string to the frame and, with the frame directly in front of you, place several handfuls of moss, about 5cm (2in) high, on the frame. Bind the moss on firmly, and continue, adding moss evenly and binding diagonally across the fame until it is completely covered with moss. Take the reel wire around for a second time between the previous twists of wire. Cut the wire; return it into the moss, and trim the moss to an even shape.

Now back the wreath: turn the frame over; secure the wreath wrap with hairpins on the inside; stretch the wrap over the frame and hairpin it in place at regular intervals. Continue the process until the frame is complete.

Before getting the flowers delivered Wednesbury, the wreath must be edged. Double-leg mount well-balanced fans of cupressus and, starting on the outer edge, insert the wired fans into the lower part of the frame, just on the wreath wrap. The anchored foliage should slope downwards, towards the workbench. Complete first the outer and then the inner edges, ensuring that the foliage overlaps and maintaining an even circular shape.

Caring for Roses

No matter how carefully you plant your roses, the plants cannot produce blooms unless they have an adequate supply of moisture and fertilizer to keep them actively growing, for only then do they send out flowers Northenden. This need will continue even after the plants are well established. With very few exceptions, the amount of food and water that must be given roses to stimulate a maximum amount of bloom is the same whether the bushes are old or new.

Water is usually the element in short supply, rather than fertilizer. Frequently there is still a considerable amount of plant food in the soil in midsummer, nutrients left over from spring feeding; however, unless moisture is present, the food cannot be assimilated by the plants. It is easy to see that the flush of bloom in both spring and fall coincides with the spring and the fall rains, when there is adequate moisture in the soil.

Go for something different

Flowers such as zinnia, tall phlox, peony, foxglove, sunflowers and others will be fresher than those that have been shipped long distances to a retail florist. You may find flowers that you love, but never realized were available as a cut flower. Always do your homework first, that is the golden rule here. If the flowers arrive on your wedding day and are not what was expected, then its too late to do anything about it.

Finding a reputable local florist to fulfill your flower delivery Montebello can be easier than you think. Check the local telephone directory and do some internet searches. They can give you names of florists in your area. Local farmers markets are also a great place to locate a local flower grower.

Problems in using wild flowers

Growing, as they generally do, in poor soil wild flowers often have long tap roots to enable them to survive. If these roots are severed the flowers will wilt very quickly. So if you are intending to gather wayside flowers I suggest you should keep a strong plastic bag handy in the car. As you cut, say, cow parsley or bluebells place them head-first in the bag. Everyone puts them stalks-first into bags and this is how problems start. If you keep the heads out of the air the flowers suffer much less from lack of moisture. As quickly as you can after picking them, place the stems in a bucket of really warm water. This will give them the best chance of lasting reasonably well. I find that of the many wild flowers I like to use, bluebells and cow parsley, or cow parsnip, are the favourites. They last better (unlike those from a Carnwadric florist) if not on very long stems. Bluebells, like wallflowers, should be cut on stems no longer than four or five inches (12—15 cm), then mass them in a box or basket. In this way they last very well and the scent is out of this world; they appear to like being packed closely together for they always seem to last better this way.

Rose Cultural Information

Roses prefer full sun, good drainage, and soil rich in organic matter. They also prefer good air circulation, which helps prevent mildew and disease on the foliage. Roses need large amounts of water (3 inches weekly) but must have fast-draining soil. Feed roses with a slow-release fertilizer in early spring and after the first flush of bloom. A top dressing of well-rotted manure in late autumn will add nutrients to the soil. Organic matter is always beneficial to roses, but remember to check the pH, which should be at or close to 7. Add lime after application of manure to ensure a proper pH. Old roses are very disease resistant so there is no need to spray these roses with chemicals. However, it is important to keep the garden clean and free of faded petals and fallen leaves. Garden litter is a tempting place for insects and pests to breed. If insects are a problem, try sprinkling onion water (cool water in which onion has been boiled) or onion mulch (chopped onion greens) around the base of the plants. Shrub roses need little pruning and look best left to their natural shape. Prune once a year before the buds appear, in early spring or later winter. Simply cut out dead or old canes and cut existing stems back by one-third. Roses can be propagated from cuttings, but it is wiser to purchase your plants from a florist Bootle or garden center.

Dried Flowers

Dried flower arrangements have become increasingly popular as the price of fresh flowers in winter continues to go up and the ever-rising cost of oil makes heated greenhouses more and more expensive to run. For myself, dried or any kind of preserved flowers can never replace the value or delight one gets from fresh flowers, especially in winter. I think I still prefer to preserve background material in glycerine and use this with fresh flowers or foliage until one can pick a bunch of spring flowers or get them from a local Riverside florist. But the occasional pot plant can sometimes take their place and last Christmas was made easy for me because of a superb white azalea which has been sheer delight.

There are many aspects of dried flowers and foliage and different ways of using them. You can make colourful posies which will last all winter, remaining pretty and cheerful, or for background material you can use the more sombre and neutral colourings which are ideal when mixed with a few salmon or apricot chrysanthemums, or some variegated leaves. In this way you can make a large arrangement when flowers are scarce and expensive. Many flowers of attractive colouring can be grown from seed for drying and more lovely grasses become available every year.

My Favourite Flowers - Aconitum lycoctonum ( Monkshood )

The more common varieties of monkshood have blue-mauve flower spikes resembling those of a delphinium, but the one I would like to recommend here is A. lycoctonum, very delicate in form with yellowish to lime-green flowers. To be fair, I feel that this is a plant for the larger garden, as it really takes up quite a lot of space and flowers for a comparatively short time — and also really needs staking. However, as this is a book about flowers that I would like to have in the garden and for arranging, I am anxious to include it here.


This is a hardy perennial, easily raised from seed. It will grow in any good garden soil in sun or partial shade. Cut the old stems down to ground level in the autumn.

Conditioning and preserving

Give a long drink in deep warm water. The seed heads dry well if hung upside down in a warm place. Get some advice from your florist the next time you get a flower delivery Briarwood if at all unsure.


It is lovely to mix with a group of yellow and white flowers, and I find that one or two stems really add so much to a small mixed summer flower arrangement. The seed heads are pretty whether used when green or allowed to dry completely, turning brown.

Additional information
If you love flowers as much as we do you may also enjoy Florist News. Another blog dedicated to bringing you the very best florist information on the internet.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Countdown to flower wars

The Florists' Workbox

Glue pots are a more recent development, glue sticks being melted in a special heated into which stems can be dipped.

Spray paints are available in a wide range of colours. They can safely be used on fresh and dried flowers, and containers and bases. Surface sealers, cleaners, flame retardants and leaf shine are also available in aerosol cans.

A plastic workbox is ideal for storing and carrying all the necessary equipment. It holds everything neatly in place, and is light and easy enough for all florists Beeliar to take out on contracts.

Easy-Care Cut Bulbs

Flowers cut from bulbs are unusually easy to care for. Unlike annuals and most other perennials, they do not need deep water, nor do they seem to benefit from the addition of cut-flower pre­servatives. Even a shallow dish can be used for arrangements so long as the end of each stem is submerged in clean water. Anemones, tulips and ranunculuses can frustrate flower ar­rangers because the flowers and their stems bend toward the light no matter what position they are arranged in. The bending seems at­tractive to me, for a few gracefully curved stems add rhythm and charm to a flower arrangement. If you want the stems to stay in a certain position, you can wire them as East Cape florists do. Flowers cut from spring bulbs do not last long, chiefly because indoor temperatures are so much warmer than those outdoors. How­ever, if you set the flowers each night on a porch or some other spot that is as cool as possible (so long as it is above freezing), you can add several days to the life of the arrangements.

Plan your event

To make an event fabulous, you must organize and plan. Always know where you are going to be placing your flowers and how many arrangements you will need. Florists are great at helping you categorize and outline your feelings and personalities into flowers. This creates mood when you are entertaining your guests. Florists can also point out things that you may have overlooked. All of the little details, like planning and being in control, contribute to the making of a wonderful day!

Florists can be a tremendous asset in helping you in designing and creating magical flowers for your special occasion. Whether a birthday party, wedding, or anniversary many florists are willing to plan any event for you. They can also help you create the appropriate mood for business functions or a more somber statement such as a funeral. After reading these tips, you can be confident that you will save money and time when you choose a good reliable florist.

If you put these tips for hiring a florist into action, you will be rewarded with exceptional results, not to mention beautiful flowers El Cajon.

Flower arrangement for the speaker's table

This impressive arrangement is designed for a guest speaker’s table at a business, civic or social function, when it can be used to hide notes, or conceal microphones. The arrangement may also be positioned on a top table at other occasions, such as a luncheon, banquet, or wedding reception. The design should draw the eye to the top table.

Initially, this may appear to be a faced design, but in fact it must look attractive from all angles and the materials should be placed on different levels. Position the design at the centre of the table, close to the front edge. Flowers and foliage should then trail over the edge if the florist Southall has done a good job arranging this. The speaker and other VIPs should be able to see over the arrangement, however, and it must not hide them from their audience.

A Line Arrangement

A sense of rhythm is essential to all types of arrangement. A curved line has a rhythm, and takes the eye through the design. Here, the repetition of the gerbera flowers leads the eye through the design, and this rhythm and movement is reinforced by loops of bear grass. The whole design is given a visual weight and strength with the use of the Gaultheria shallon foliage at the base of the arrangement.

A line arrangement is the basis of many other designs, the line or focal area forming the nucleus around which traditional and freestyle designs are formed.

Suitable flowers

A line arrangement demands bold single flowers, such as gerberas, carnations, roses or chrysanthemum blooms. These are then balanced by large bold leaves, and the effect is completed with fine material, such as twigs, reeds, or bear grass.

This type of design is ideal for a buffet table, where the flowers Fishponds are held above the food, and it can look attractive on a reception desk. Line arrangements also work ideally when paired on either side of an altar.

Revitalize Dried Flowers

Dried flowers can be revitalized with misted water or a bit of steam. Dried material that is brittle or has been bundled tightly together can be misted with water from a spray bottle to soften it. If the material is still tightly bunched, remove the rubber band or wire from the stems and lightly mist the upper portion while separating the stems. Do not soak the material, as it will become soggy and difficult to use. Be sure to allow the flowers to dry completely before using.

The blossom size of dried flowers with layers of petals such as roses and peonies can be made larger by holding the blossom over hot steam, then gently teasing the petals open with a small, firm paintbrush. Repeat the process until the blossom is opening to your satisfaction. Do not force the petals as they can tear or separate from the blossoms. Potpourri oil can be added to the steam to infuse the blossom with a delicate fragrance.

To prevent the shedding of petals, spray the finished arrangement with a light coat of sealer. There are products made especially for this purpose and can be found in a North Birmingham flower shop.

Wedding flowers are crucial

One of the most important elements to get right with any wedding is the flowers. Believe me, this is not an easy thing to do, particularly when you'll have a thousand and one other things on your mind on the run up to the big day. Choosing wedding flowers is mostly a girl thing but try and get some male input as well, just for a more balanced view of what to get. Whilst you might not consider other opinions when sending flowers through a florist, wedding flowers are more critical, and the more opinions you can get the better.

Flowers are an integral part of your special day. Flowers are one of many things that your guests will talk to their friends about. There are many options available to you, just discuss them with your reseller of flowers St Fagans Perth. With a little planning, your experience with your wedding flowers can be a pleasant one that stays with you forever. Looking back through your wedding photographs in years to come will be all the more pleasant if those flowers were ‘just perfect’!

A Perfect Marriage

It is always tempting to choose the flowers for your garden by their appearance alone, but, as in choosing a spouse, you need to be aware of what is unseen before you take the plunge. The thousands of different garden species vary widely in their growth and blooming habits, and each has different needs that must be met in order to thrive. With their stunning photos, garden catalogs are fun and inspirational, and it takes a strong will to resist reaching for your checkbook when they arrive early in the winter. The descriptions tend to be enthusiastic, especially those for new cultivars that are just being introduced into the garden trade. Chances are, there is a Picton flowery delivery service near your residence. You will be much better off, however, if you wait to see a plant for yourself, or at least do some research on it, before you spend your money.

Europe leads the way

In the UK, we each spend, on average, £28 on cut flowers a year. This is far below the European average, but it still means that billions of flowers are grown, cut, wrapped and transported - 85% from abroad - each year for UK consumers, with the traditional peak periods of Valentine's Day and Mother's Day leading to 20-fold spikes in demand. Come on everyone, dig deep and place some orders with your friendly florist and let's match our European cousins for the number of flowers delivered Columbus each year!

Further reading
Thanks for reading the post, we hope you enjoyed these great flower facts and tips. If you're a florist, or looking to become one, you may also enjoy Florist News which has even more information for you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let's do dinner - I'll bring the flowers

Avoid Wedding woes

There is such a huge range of choices available when it comes to wedding flowers that it is easy to become overwhelmed by it all. Do you want the formal look of roses and orchids, or the more casual feel of wildflowers with a seasonal garden style bouquet? What colors do you want, what size and shape of bouquet for yourself and your attendants? The best place to start, and its free, is to visit your local library and look at books and magazines for ideas on flower styles and trends. Doing a little homework before meeting with an Crew's Hole florist can be a great help for you and the florist.

Starting Seed Indoors

Many of the everlasting annual flowers take three months or more to flower when grown from seed. You can give them a jumpstart by planting them indoors in late winter. In my area I begin about Feb­ruary. Growing from seed is a time-consuming, yet truly rewarding, process. You must fol­low some simple steps to assure your success. Start by purchasing a good sterile pot­ting medium from a florist Wembley. This potting me­dium must be thoroughly moist, but not soaking wet. Place it in potting trays or individual plastic pots. Next, check your seed packages for the needs of the individual seed. Some larger seeds must be nicked or soaked before planting. Most of the larger seeds will need to be covered with about ¼ inch of the medium. However, some require light to germinate and need nothing but a gentle tamping onto the medium sur­face. After you have planted according to the packet direc­tions, spritz lightly with water and cover the tray or flat with a large plastic bag or plastic dome cover.

Pleasure your woman

Armed with the following great advice you can't go wrong. Put those corn chips down now and pick up the phone to your local florist to get the ball rolling. If you want to put a great big smile on the face of a special female all you have to do is send her some flowers. Whilst this advice doesn't come with any money back guarantees, we're fairly confident that if you send flowers Hope Valley to a woman, she'll love you forever! Have you ever met a woman who didn't just adore receiving flowers? If you have please let us know because that is a very rare creature indeed.

Cut flower alternative

You may want to consider sending a very different type of flower the next time you have the need, such as a potted plant. This way, your gift will continue to remind that lucky someone of the event the flowers were sent to commemorate long after a fresh bouquet would be a distant memory. If you are sending flowers to someone who has difficulty keeping plants alive, you may want to try sending a dried floral arrangement instead. Always ask your florist for the best advice before committing to an order or placing your flower delivery Carntyne. Potted plants can be tremendous value for money considering the length of time the recipient will have to enjoy them.

Sowing Annuals

Because many annuals like cooler weather, you can get a jump on sowing their seeds. For example, larkspur, bache­lor's buttons, Iceland poppies and nigella all prefer direct sowing in early spring or late winter. Try sowing the seeds of these plants in late autumn in colder areas, because they will begin their growth in the cooler temperatures of early spring. Most annuals are sown after danger of frost in the spring. (In warmer southern climates they can be sown in fall.)

If you don't want to grow your own annuals from seed, you can purchase flats of seedlings ready to pop into the gar­den from a Burnage flower shop. Most flower shops, however, don't carry the more unusual annual varieties. If you are looking for some different an­nuals, you will probably need to sow your own seed. Try some of the many specialty catalogs that cater to the dried-flower lover, or collect and save your favorite seeds to use the next year. Some annuals have the habit of self-sowing and will re­turn to the garden year after year. These self-sowers are easy to eradicate if unwanted but, if left to grow, will add a charm and softness to any garden.


Some varieties of virtually all the spring-flowering bulbs, including tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils and bulbous irises, can be persuaded to bloom indoors in winter, bringing the garden into the house from early January through April. Many Morningside Circle florists and a good many amateurs refer to the techniques as "forcing." Though I use the term myself, I rather dislike it, for no force is involved. The procedures consist, broadly, of manipulating temperatures and light conditions to simulate the period of cold needed by bulbs for their annual rest period, then awakening them earlier than they would wake by themselves if they were outdoors. The techniques for forcing should not be confused with the care of regular house plants that are allowed to bloom in their own good time indoors.

Flower Power

Throughout history flowers have played an important role in famous love affairs, unforgettable fashion trends, and even in international relations. Never underestimate the impact of flowers or their place in history. For example, you will enjoy finding out about how tulips became the centre of a frenzied fever of investment that swept across Europe in the mid 17th century. More recently, flower power swept the world as part of the hippy movement of the 1970s. Flower songs, floral kaftans and even VW vans took up the theme as flowers became a symbol of the peace movement during this era. Ione florists everywhere will often convey tales of the real power of flowers, which is of course their ability to melt a girl's heart.

Easy flower arranging

The following are a few guidelines supplied by a very friendly Abilene Florist to help anyone considering flower arranging as a hobby:

  • Maintain a balance by imagining a vertical line in the centre. Place similar flowers on both sides at the same angle by placing longer stemmed flowers closer to the line. This will provide a more symmetrical look and is more pleasing to the eye.

  • Choose a good variety colors by balancing both dark and light colors. Do not place all dark colored flowers together and do not place them all at the top as this will appear darker in light. Create a well balanced colour scheme.

Roadside Finds

Many wildflowers that bloom in open meadows and alongside busy highways dry easily and add a certain informal charm to your arrangements. Most of these plants are best left grow­ing in the wild because they tend to be invasive in a garden. Planting them in the garden can mean hours of removal and their certain return the follow­ing year. Queen Anne's lace is one such plant better left along the road. While its lovely, lacy flowers are unmatched for their delicate beauty, it is consid­ered a weed by most Hunters Point florists. Solidago (goldenrod) is another invasive wildflower, but its showy, tall, yellow flowers dry beautifully. If you know that a plant is considered a weed or is in tremendous abundance such as Queen Anne's lace, collect some, but not all, of the flowers. Allow a good number of flowers to remain to reseed for next sea­son. Carefully cut the flower heads of perennials, using cau­tion not to disturb the roots.

Additional information
If you love flowers as much as we do you may also enjoy Florist Files. Another blog dedicated to bringing you the very best florist information on the internet.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Time to meet some new florists

Design lines

The main lines in a traditional flower design include the outline, which refers to the contours, and is created with spike materials; the focal point line, which is the main line of graded flowers, forming the centre of interest, and for which a mass form is used, and the transitional lines, which link the two contrasting spike and mass forms. Smaller flowers and foliage are arranged in sequences (lines) of graded sizes, buds being placed towards the outer edge, and fuller Raby flowers at the centre. Other materials can then be placed at various levels to fill in the gaps in the design. Follow these simple guidelines to create some inspired floral arrangements.

Pots and tubs

There are various ways of dealing with pots and tubs. A friend of mind has a rotation system which is very successful. As he has practically no garden, he capitalizes on a terrace on which he has only two large tubs showing at a time, although in fact he has eight pots or tubs in all. In winter two are planted with a small winter-flowering Viburnum tinus called ‘Evelyn Price’. This evergreen has clusters of pinky-white flowers, and blooms almost continuously all winter long. Meanwhile he has planted two tubs of mixed bulbs for spring and they are placed on view when they break into flower. For high summer he has tubs of the most beautiful lilies I have ever seen including Lilium regale and with its wonderful gold stamens, Lauratum, the sun lily of Japan. (Lilies do grow very well indeed with the protection of a pot.) And as lilies are his specialty he also puts out many different lilies in pots which make a lovely show. Lastly, the tubs are replaced by two large hydrangea plants (available from your Porirua florist) and these bloom from August to October. But, don’t forget that to make this system work you do need an area near the house to keep the out-of-season pots, or if not near the house, well out of sight and near a tap or access to water. Tubs and pots need plenty of water especially in the summer months. If you are able to submerge the pots under soil level they do not dry out nearly so quickly.


This is the placement of flowers, foliage and perhaps ribbon bows on lower levels within design. To achieve recession, set back short-stemmed flowers, foliage or ribbons by placing them behind other materials. A design that lacks recession will appear hat and two-dimensional, whereas materials placed on lower levels attract and lead the eye into the design, creating visual balance. Short-stemmed materials also have the advantage of hiding the mechanics, giving he design an attractive finish while strengthening the profile. Check your next flower delivery Shirley meets these criteria before sending to the recipient.

Achieving recession

  • Use open flowers (avoid buds) and bold foliage, which will fill in the design quickly.

  • Use darker colours — their recessive quality will give greater visual depth.

  • Remember to leave space around the materials, otherwise the design will appear packed and visually bottom-heavy.

Design Principles

Composition is the organization of the elements within a design to achieve unification. Form, color and repetition contribute to the composition of the design.

Unity is created when the elements in a floral design relate to each other. The individual materials then blend together to produce a unified whole. This is achieved through color harmony as well as material selection.

Proportion refers to the correct relationship of the design elements; they should be of comparable size. The container or base determines the size of the items; a small wreath should not be overwhelmed with overly large flowers. Focal points should be similar sizes, whole fillers should be smaller. In addition, the scale of a design in relation to its surroundings must be considered. A tiny basket will look out of place on a long, formal dining table. For this reason it is often necessary to have an idea of your recipient’s home décor if you choose to send flowers Collyhurst as a gift.

Balance results in visual and, often, physical stability. Placing smaller flowers of lighter colors at the top of a design with larger, darker flowers at the base provides visual stability. For symmetrical balance, place the elements in the design with equal visual weight on each side of a vertical line. By placing the items unequally on each side of the imaginary vertical line (heavier on one side), asymmetrical balance is established.

When to send flowers to your girl?

I recommend sending some fresh blooms at least once a month, just to keep things ticking along nicely. It doesn't cost a lot, but the rewards can be substantial, especially in the bedroom. The best time to send flowers is . . well anytime as long as it's something she isn't expecting. The key is surprise, surprise for her, for her workmates and for you. Just make sure that you place your order in plenty of time so it's not a huge surprise for your florist when you organise the flower delivery Lincoln Heights.

Simple Steps to Long-lasting Cut Flowers

Keep the water fresh and deep. For maximum life, change the water in your vase at least every third day. Many flowers benefit from fresh water daily. There is a direct correlation between clean water and long flower life. When you change the water, cut ½ inch off the base of the stems with a sharp instrument. Also consult with your florist for the best advice when you take your flower delivery Scotstoun.

Get some seedlings

Hopefully, many of your gardener friends will have spare plants and will be happy to give you seedlings and cuttings, and I do advise you to accept these even if they are not exactly what you want, for they can always be replaced at a later date.

I tend to plant much too close together, pessimistically assuming that not everything is going to grow, but I suppose the ideal would be to plant each subject with enough space to grow to full maturity. Seeds, of course, can sometimes be included within a flower delivery Huyton-with-Roby instead of you having to take a trip to the nursery. If you are strong-minded and can do this, I suggest filling in during the early years with annuals, especially those like atriplex and moluccella, which are also lovely for picking and drying.

Harvesting Dried Flowers

For success with all methods of drying flow­ers, remember a few simple steps when harvest­ing. Pick flowers at the correct time in their development; before the color has faded and the petals begin to drop. Harvest in midmorn­ing, after the night's dew has dried and before the heat of midday has caused the flowers to wilt. Check the flowers to make sure they are free of insect damage and discoloration. The smallest imperfection will be magnified after the drying process, which you may have noticed when visiting a Rhiwbina flower shop and looking closely at the dried arrangements. Remove thorns from flowers (roses in particular) before drying. They will only become more difficult to handle safely after they are dried.

Whichever drying technique you use, the faster the moisture is removed from the plants, the better they will hold their true color and shape. However, do not rush the process by placing the material too close to a furnace or oven. Heat will make your flowers look faded and they will become brittle and too delicate to handle. The length of time needed to dry flow­ers varies depending on the amount of moisture in the drying room and the size and denseness of the individual flower. Under the right condi­tions, most flowers and foliage will take from two to four weeks to dry. Once dry, they can remain in the drying room until needed.

Telephone Books and Newspaper for Pressing

Telephone books are good for drying. They're cheap, plen­tiful, and have absorbent pages. This means you probably won't even need to use paper towels. If you bring the phone book right out into the garden, you can place your flowers directly into it (which lessens the chances of delicate petals being blown apart). When you open the telephone book to check your flowers, remember to start from the back of the book. The pressure will hold the other flowers flat.

For larger plants, use several sheets of newspaper. The fo­liage of many plants, such as ferns and astilbe, dry beautifully using this method and become more durable if you choose to send flowers Le Petit Senegal to another place. Follow the directions from a florist for layering each page. Cover with more sheets of newspaper. Allow about 10 pages between each filled page. Continue to layer leaves and paper, and finish by putting a weight on top.

Can't get enough aye?
Ok, so you need even more facts, tips and information on flowers? Well, you're in luck, just head over to Flower Baron's Blog for more great information. Say hi from us as you browse through their mountain of flower and florist tips.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Talk it through with your local florist

Pink Rose Myth

It is said in Greek mythology that after unfairly attaining the right to be the protector of women, Rhoanthe was turned into a pink rose by the God Apollo. In view of this circumstance, pink roses were said to have symbolized pain, extreme suffering and even death. However, as time goes on, the meaning behind pink roses has evolved significantly.

Modern meaning

Today, pink roses no longer have negative connotations to them. The pink rose is now a symbol of a new romance that has yet to bloom into full passion. Pink roses can also be used to signify joy and sweet affection, as well as wishing luck upon others. Graceful and elegant, pink roses can be divided into two categories – light pink roses and dark pink roses.

It is said that light pink roses symbolizes gentleness and admiration and they can also be used to express sympathy. This is why they are a very common choice for funeral arrangements according to a professional we use to get our flowers delivered
St. Peters
that we spoke to recently. Dark pink roses however are the very symbols of gratitude and appreciation. It is said that by tradition, dark pink roses were sent as an expression of thanks.

Purchasing Tips

There are a few simple steps you should follow to make sure you get the best quality flowers. The main aim when buying flowers is simply to spot the bunch which is the freshest! By following these steps you can also make sure the flowers you buy, last as long as possible.

Of course, if you buy from an experienced florist you can rely on them to provide you with good quality and freshness making purchasing so much easier and reliable for you. They can also provide you with specific care advice at home relating to the type of arrangement and the variety of flower.

Buy 'inside' flowers

Many retailers place flowers outside to advertise that they sell flowers. Don't buy these! Buy the flowers Henderson that are inside the shop, out of the sun and away from potentially harmful car fumes. To make sure they last, most flowers should be kept in the cool and out of the sun. Some flowers can also be harmed by car exhausts, which contain ethylene gas. This gas speeds up flower wilting and drop in flowers like carnation, roses, orchids and waxflower. So it is best to choose flowers that are inside, away from these harmful conditions.

Check the stem ends

Turn the bunch upside down and have a good look at the cut stem ends. They should be green or white, and look freshly cut. Don't buy bunches with dark stem ends, or where the ends have split and are curling back, as these are signs of old flowers.

Rosa (rose)

Characteristics: The Greeks called the rose "queen of flowers" and indeed it is. The rose, which comes in a wide range of colors and sizes from a Beverly Hills flower shop, is the most popular flower grown around the world, a universal symbol of love and beauty. Some of the older varieties are grown not only for their beauty but also for medicinal and culinary purposes. Many types of garden roses can be used for drying. Don't limit your choices to tea roses; many shrub roses and climbers dry wonderfully well, also. I love the look of our 'Fairy' hedge rose, which features many tiny pink roses growing in clusters. They air-dry well, but tend to shrink and curl a little. The effect is lovely and makes a welcome addition to any dried arrangement. A well-placed rose can add life and elegance to a dried arrangement. Fasten some dried roses onto a simple swag or wreath for instant glamour.

Single and Double Sprays

This informal tribute uses materials on natural stems, which can be wired for support and control when necessary. The materials are arranged in a variety of bases, including moss foundations and, even more frequently, plastic spray trays. Foliage such as Tsuga pine or Abies grandis is used to create a good outline, and almost any combination of flowers might be used. Suggest this type of design to the customer who wishes to send a tribute as a token of sympathy, perhaps for a neighbour or a distant relative. These are perhaps my favourite of all the funeral tributes because it gives the florist a chance to use flowers Purley that are just beautiful.

Check out this flower - Tritonia

The arching flower spikes of tritonias provide brilliant summer color in rock gardens and borders and make long-lasting cut flowers as gifts when you have the flowers delivered Willsbridge to someone. The 2-inch cup like blossoms come in pink, salmon, yellow, apricot, orange, red, purple and white. Tritonias grow from corms, but are not to be confused with other cormous plants in the genus Crocosmia, with which they share the common name montbretia. The saffron tritonia, which grows 1 to 2 feet tall and bears orange-yellow flowers, is the most widely grown species; outstanding varieties include the bright red T. crocata miniata, the coppery orange Orange Delight, and the deep orange Princess Beatrix. Another fine species, T. hyalina, has pinkish orange flowers and grows about a foot tall.

Four Ways to Dig Holes for Planting Bulbs

  1. To plant individual bulbs near other flowers Bordesley, or in a bed of ground cover such as ivy, use a step-on bulb planter that cuts cylinders of soil. It makes holes up to 6 inches deep and works most easily in damp, cohesive soil.

  2. For deeper holes to accommodate clumps of bulbs, cut a square, straight-sided plug of sod with a spade and lift out the whole plug. Loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole with the spade and work in bone meal before the bulbs are planted and the plug replaced.

  3. After a soil bed is prepared, a tool called a dibble or dibber quickly pokes holes of a uniform diameter and depth. Some of the more highly priced dibbles have depth markers on their sides, but it is easy to improvise a marker with tape. Drop a little loose soil or sand into the bottom of each hole to avoid leaving an air space in the tip of the pointed depression.

  4. The garden tool most commonly used for digging holes in prepared soil is a trowel; to make holes rapidly, plunge the trowel into the ground and pull it toward you.

Slowing down flowering

There are times during the seasons when it may be advantageous for a florist to ‘hold’ the development of a flower, perhaps to even out a glut of flowers, or before a peak sales period. Tulips, gladioli and peonies are especially suited to the following method.

It is essential to use flowers that are in good condition, showing no signs of mould or fungal diseases, so a thorough inspection is recommended. If the cut flowers are flaccid, they will need a drink to regain firmness before storage. Excess foliage is removed and bunches can be re-wrapped in paper. Shake off surplus water. Cellophane should not be used, as it can induce moulds. Once wrapped bunches are carefully packed into boxes.

Placed in the cold store, or in a cold dark cellar, the flowers can be kept for five to seven days, and conditioned in the normal way when required prior to the flower delivery Roath.

Silica Disadvantage

One disadvantage of silica gel is that the dried flowers are extremely brittle, so the petals break off easily, which can be a problem if you are using West Derby flower delivery to have your arrangements shipped. To help provide support, apply a dab of clear glue to the underside of the flower head where the pet­als meet. Silica gel-dried flowers are more likely to reab­sorb moisture and become limp quickly if exposed to moist air. To avoid this problem, store the dried flowers away from damp­ness or high humidity. Warning: Silica gel has a powdery consistency and can irritate your mucus membranes. Wear a surgical mask and use only in well-ventilated areas.

Garden Essentials

Some modern day garden essentials are a patio area for dining with friends, outdoor built-in barbeques, pools, ponds, and sitting areas. However, the all time garden essential for providing beauty, fragrance and colour is flowers. We not only want everything to work together ie: the flowers with the plants, but they should also be very minimal upkeep. Coinciding with us wanting more out of our gardens, we find ourselves with less and less time available to spend actually working in the garden.

Having less time means relying more on delivery services and outside professionals. Picking up the phone to a reseller of flowers Holiday Lakes is easier than driving to the garden centre after all!

Can't get enough aye?
Ok, so you need even more facts, tips and information on flowers? Well, you're in luck, just head over to FLOWER FACTS HEAVEN for more great information. Say hi from us as you browse through their mountain of flower and florist tips.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sacrifice anything but flowers

Grab a bunch of flowers

Once upon a time, the only way to acquire fresh flowers was to pick them yourself — from a meadow or roadside, or from your garden. Purchasing flowers was a luxury, and florists were few and far between. Nowadays, we are lucky — flowers are readily available from the local florist, garden centre, greengrocer or supermarket.

Even if you don’t have time to grab a bunch of flowers on your way to the checkout, the popularity of mail order and the growth of the World Wide Web makes it possible to order and send flowers over the phone or the Internet. And you don’t have to submit to seasonal dictates, for many varieties of flowers are now available all year round. Flowers are always less expensive when they are in season. But, when the mood strikes, sometimes cost is no object.

Just like cooking, arranging flowers can take time and involve intricate procedures. For those who adore working with flowers, the task poses a challenge they enjoy. For the rest of us, who have little time but still want to enjoy flowers every day, keeping things simple, quick and easy is best.

Many people associate flowers with special occasions, such as Mother’s Day, a birthday or wedding. But flowers make any day a special occasion. Pick up a bunch from your local Westbury on Trym florist on your way home from work, the gym or a play date with your kids. They’ll make your day.

Ribbon Edging a tribute

Ribbon edging is a versatile addition for both formal and informal tributes. Ribbon can complement both based and open designs, and it can harmonize or provide contrast and add texture to funeral designs. There are two types of pleating — box pleats and overlapping pleats. Box pleats are made by folding the ribbon first one way and then in the opposite direction. For overlapping pleats, the ribbon is folded in the same direction throughout. Whichever method is chosen, the folds must be orderly and equal.

A hand stapler is used to fasten the ribbon, and either German pins or the glue gun to fix the ribbon to the tribute. Be careful not to damage any of the flowers Kensington during this process. Corners are mitred to give a very neat finish to tributes such as the cushion, heart and cross. Ribbon used for the edging can be employed in the tribute, in the form of loops and trails, to create a sense of complete unity.

Tools of the trade when flower arranging

It is not necessary to rush out and buy a whole lot of equipment to complete a wide variety of arrangements successfully. The main purpose of taking the time and effort needed to arrange the material is to show it off in the most effective way possible. Care should be given to shape, proportion and colour, as compatibility between flowers, foliage and the container is essential.

On some occasions the vase may be almost as important as the flowers themselves. There are many times, however, when the container is hidden by the arrangement and serves solely as a receptacle to anchor the material and provide a source of water. In these instances, a baking tray can be just as useful as an expensive vase. The reverse may occur when you have only a few blooms, as the container’s style and appeal will be paramount and can contribute greatly to the charm of the arrangement.

A flower container does not have to be a vase. The kitchen cupboard will invariably provide a variety of interestingly shaped objects. Jugs, casserole dishes, a soup tureen, mugs, a lidless teapot or even an empty bottle or spaghetti jar can often provide just the shape and size to match the material. In addition to finding the right container, it can sometimes be necessary to use some florists Westmead aids. These materials can be bought from most florist shops or florist’s suppliers.

Simple Method for New Roses

Although every amateur cannot expect instant success, any­one can use the same techniques that professionals employ. The simplest way to create a new kind of rose is to pick a ripe seed pod, or hip, from a bush, plant the fertile seeds and grow the new bushes to maturity. Each is likely to be quite different from the other; and from the bush that bore the seed pod. There is no way to tell what the results will be until the plants flower; even the character of the flower that produced the seed pod is a poor guide for predicting the outcome. These flowers Maryhill Park provided the female seed but they may or may not have provided the male pollen to fertilize the seeds. With this method only the female of the new plant's parents can be selected, and the chances of creating an improved rose are very small.

Cold Frame

Bulbs set outdoors must be covered to keep them from freezing so that you will not have to pry them out of hard ground in midwinter. If you bury your pots, embed them up to their rims in coarse sand and cover them with a 4- to 6-inch layer of soil plus a 4- to 6-inch blanket of an insulating mulch such as salt hay or wood chips. I prefer to use a cold frame that can be purchased from Pendlebury florists, setting the pots in it and filling in around them and covering them 3 to 4 inches deep with perlite or shredded styrofoam; either material offers good insulation and can easily be removed. Pots should be thoroughly watered before being placed in the ground or cold frame; they will require no further moisture until they are brought indoors.

Wall Swags

Wall swags may be used for many occasions or seasons; blue pine, cones and red ribbon can make a wonderful Christmas design, for example, while herbs and garlic can be combined in a culinary swag that would brighten any kitchen.

Designs may be made on a variety of bases. These include pieces of wood with dry foam either taped or glued in place, foam frames such as wreaths or open hearts, or purpose- made bases such as Raquettes.

A wall swag is normally designed by a Melrose Hill florist as a permanent feature in a room, and either fabric or dried flowers are therefore ideal. Fabric flowers are now available in a wonderful array of colours and shapes. Being on wire stems, they are easily secured into dry foam, though a glue gun may be used for extra security. Most types of flower normally used in arrangements are also available in dried form and, here again, the hard stems are easily pushed firmly into the foam.

Fluffing Floral Materials

When silk flowers and materials are packed for Greenbrae flower delivery at the manufacturing plants, they are compressed into boxes. Many times the leaves and flowers are “stacked” to allow the stems to be placed in the smallest containers for shipping. Therefore, when they arrive at the stores and are unpacked, they often appear smashed. As they’re handled in the store, they often become tangled and misshapen.

Silks are easily revitalized by fluffing the blossoms, leaves and sprigs. Shape each blossom by separating the petals and curving wired leaves to extend naturally. Check to make sure any packing material, such as plastic sleeves or paper protecting the flower centers, has been removed. Curve each sprig to extend naturally, separating and adding gentle curves; sometimes gently crinkling the leaves adds realism to the piece.

Fluffing silk bushes may include separating the leaves by sliding them up or down the stems. Twisting the leaf sets will vary the look and prevent them from being stacked on top of each other. Curve the branches of bushes to extend naturally. If it’s an upright plant, make sure the outer branches curve away from the center and bend naturally upward. For hanging or vining bushes, shape the branches to curve downward with the tips curling upward; this creates the natural look of a hanging plant, growing toward the sunlight.

Dying for fresh flowers

The rush to get cut flowers from the soil to the vase has always been a high-pressure affair with your florist usually caught in the middle of it all. In the days when many of our fresh flowers were transported by train from fields in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles, it was said that some daffodil farmers, keen to get their crops to London as fast and as cheaply as possible, would try to beat the competition by loading their bunches into coffins to exploit the fact that the dead always travelled free on God's Wonderful Railway. Now who's a clever florist Eastland?

Selecting Flowers to Press

Once, the most popular way to preserve cherished flowers was to press them between the pages of a book or bible. This was also the method used dur­ing scientific expeditions as a way to preserve and later use Manor Heights flower delivery to remotely study plant material. Because dried leaves do not reabsorb mois­ture, many wonderful remains from Roman times, such as laurel crowns once worn during ceremonies, have been uncov­ered and still remain in good condition. Today, pressed flowers are used for decoration. Some dried materials, such as ferns, are nice additions to dried arrangements. Most often, how­ever, we mount and frame pressed flowers.

When looking for flowers to press, remember that the ones with a single row of petals such as pansies, violets and larkspur usually work best. Avoid meaty, thick flowers such as roses, camellias and mums. If the center of a flower is too dense and meaty, you may need to remove the center and press the petals only. You can air-dry the center and reassem­ble the flower by gluing the petals back on after pressing. To flatten smaller centers, gently press them between your thumb and forefinger. The best way to find out which flowers can be successfully pressed is to experiment.

Need more?
This information is brought to you by the Flower Baron. Another great resource for flower and florist information is Florist Facts.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The awesome power of flowers

Romantic flowers

A flower is a beautiful, delicate thing and a great symbol of any relationship. It’s no surprise that sending romantic flowers to sweethearts is so popular. Red roses are commonplace and remain a classic, but there are other varieties out there that you might want to consider. Ideally you’ll send a flower that has special meaning to you and your partner. Take a look at some of the choices below as they are all great flowers to send when romance is in the air! Send flowers Delahey to really impress the love of your life.

Roses still top the list of any romantic flower. Red is common but there are a number of others you should consider to help your offering stand out from the bouquets that have come before. A tiny lavender rose is a little off-key and could fit the bill. There are other colors and types of roses, but those are some of the more interesting versions. Dressing up your standard rose delivery is a sure way to leave a lasting impression when sending flowers for a romantic purpose!

The Lush Begonias

The fourth of the big four of summer-flowering bulbs (dahlias, lilies and gladioluses) is the tuberous begonia, widely popular like the other three but for different reasons. Tuberous begonias bear flowers more varied and colorful than most other summer-flowering bulbs. Some resemble roses, others camellias, others carnations; they come in flower sizes up to 10 inches across and in a brilliant sunset of colors from yellow and orange to pink and red, with pure white thrown in. And they can be kept in bloom even longer than lilies. They can be started indoors and brought outside to flower on a porch or patio from spring until frost. Begonias are also very popular choices if you want to send flowers Invercargill to a friend or loved one. Moreover, since tuberous begonias are among the most colorful of shade-tolerant plants, they provide bright beauty for enjoyment at close range on a shady terrace or under trees, where most people like to sit on hot summer days. Among my favorites are hanging-basket begonias, B. tuberhybrida pendula, which can be hung from an eave or a low tree branch to provide a cascade of glowing hues in the shade of early evening. Tuberous begonias are virtually disease free, can be grown in pots or in wire or plastic containers, and produce an extraordinary harvest of blossoms that inevitably become a focal point, on a patio, next to a front door or wherever else they are placed.

Buying flowers isn't a waste of money

Some women and most men see flowers as wasteful gifts: she prefers him to splurge on tangible goods that can be paraded around; and he prefers to impress with tangible goods that she can parade around. After all, fresh flowers wither in a matter of days, don't they? True, but honestly, you are still better off with flowers. Here are several reasons why you should be supporting your Moseley florist:

  • Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Flowers are an intelligent woman's real best friend.

    Intelligent women would rather have roses on their tables than diamonds on their necks. A sole stalk, according to several scientific findings, is able create passion, to soothe, to cheer, to beautify...with its very presence. Like a true friend, flowers improve moods and create intimateness. A diamond, in all of its indestructible nature, can only look pretty perched on a slender finger. There is a reason why we do not have bimbos for best friends.

  • Flowers, unlike diamonds and designer goods, are easier on the wallet.

    Honestly, for much fewer hundreds of dollars, flowers can produce the same (perhaps more positive) reaction for the receiver. Everyone remembers the first time she receives flowers.

  • Flowers do more than what you paid it for.

    Giving flowers not only show that you love him/her; it shows that you have the initiative to dedicate effort and time in choosing a perfect bouquet.

  • You can never go wrong with flowers.

    But you can go wrong with chocolates (“are you trying to get me fatter than I am?”), cut /colour/clarity/ carat weight of diamonds (“this is not Tiffany's Lucida diamond ring!”), and designer goods (“this is Pucci not Gucci!”).

Space and Texture

Space refers to the area within the design. Positive space is the area which is occupied by materials, either one piece or a mass of pieces. Negative space is the area between flowers in an open design. If the design consists only of positive space (for example, a mass of flowers filling the entire design), more emphasis is placed on the form or color, while negative space puts emphasis on the separate elements. This centerpiece incorporates negative space between the upper vines and the wreath as an element of the design. This space is important and establishes the feeling of openness.

Texture is achieved by varying the types of materials in a design. The viewer’s eye will stay within the design longer, exploring the changing textures. Even something as simple as having flowers delivered Salford with contrasting textures, ribbons of different materials, and bases with interesting textures makes a design more attractive, providing they complement the arrangement as a whole.


Natives of South Africa (not the Nile as one common name suggests) agapanthuses grow from thick fleshy roots that send up mounds of strap like leaves. Their leafless flower stalks bear clusters of 1- to 4-inch blue or white flowers through much of the summer. A. africanus, an evergreen species, and A. campanulatus, which is deciduous, grow 18 to 24 inches tall and produce 12 to 30 flowers in a cluster. The evergreen A. praecox orientalis may become 5 feet tall and produce clusters of 100 or more flowers. Two attractive evergreen hybrids are Peter Pan, with dark blue flowers on 12- to 18-inch stems, and the 18- to 24-inch-tall Dwarf White. Excellent garden flowers in mild climates, agapanthuses are available from most Mt. Washington florists and can be grown anywhere in tubs or as house plants and are long lasting as cut flowers.

Romantic & relaxed

It has been said that home is an extension of the self, and that each room expresses a different dimension or aspect of that self. Some rooms, like sitting or dining rooms, turn a formal face to the world; others, like the kitchen, seem more welcoming and friendly. Intimate rooms, such as the bedroom and bathroom, succor our secret selves. In our private quarters, we are at our most vulnerable and exposed. Different flowers obtained from the local Hillhead florist are suited to these different areas, and softer, more spontaneous arrangements are particularly suited to our private spaces, where we yield to our most uninhibited and passionate desires.

White roses and funerals

White roses are versatile such that they can be used to celebrate happy occasions such as weddings, or to offer condolences at a funeral. White roses are a symbol of honour, heavenliness, spiritual love and respect; which is why they are perfect to remember loved ones who have already passed on. White roses are also a symbol of a holy and spiritual union between the departed soul and God in heaven. If you have a funeral flower arrangement to send always check out the latest seasonal blooms with your local florist to get the best value when you get your flowers delivered Belle Vale. Of course you're not limited to white roses when selecting your funeral arrangement, but they are a popular choice for many. I tend to go for the white rose for funeral purchases because of the reasons mentioned above.

A Rose Buttonhole

The romantic associations of the rose make it a popular choice for a buttonhole, and many grooms pick a rose of the same colour as those in the bridal bouquet. Roses can also be worn by the best man, the ushers and the lady guests.

The rose buttonhole is not exclusively used for weddings; it can he worn on formal or informal occasions, and is to be found on the lapels of suits in the city and in rural areas.

Florists Pentyrch today are fortunate in having a wide range of sizes and colours of rose from which to choose. A spray rose can make a tiny buttonhole for a child, while the sweetheart roses are a better size for a lady.

Fragrances of Roses

Between the sophisticated hybrid teas and their wild ancestors (some of which are still grown in gardens) are a host of other, less well-known roses. Among them is to be found virtually every characteristic that it is possible to breed into flowers Hamilton Heights. There are roses that stand erect, crawl along the ground, branch out to form magnificent hedges and cover entire walls. Some roses never grow more than a few inches high, while a few climbing varieties can reach 45 feet when tied to a fence or the side of a building for support. There are roses that produce dainty clusters of little flowers, each no bigger than a penny, and there are hybrid perpetuals that boast flowers as big as a man's face. Many roses have delightful fragrances reminiscent of tea, nuts, fruit, spices and honey; although there are a few that bring to mind the less pleasant aroma of stale beer or linseed oil. Others have completely lost their fragrances in the complicated breeding process that has also, surprisingly, produced some thornless roses.

Further reading
Thanks for reading the post, we hope you enjoyed these great flower facts and tips. If you're a florist, or looking to become one, you may also enjoy Flower Heaven which has even more information for you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bring a bottle, and some flowers to the party!

Valentine Colours

Traditional Valentine’s arrangements are red, but why not ring the changes and add some purple and violet shades? This gives the designs a dramatic visual impact, which should appeal to many people. In modern arrangements, the shape of the individual flowers is also very important — they must be bold and dramatic. Texture is also important when so few flowers Tarrawarra are used, but the most essential feature is space. Getting the spacing right in your flower arrangement is very important, and can be the difference between a wonderful looking floral design and a complete flop.

A pretty flower - Tulipa (tulip)

Characteristics: Everyone knows the tulip family for its gorgeous garden stars blooming in late spring. There are many different types of tulips besides the popular cup-shaped hybrids. Explore "peony-flowered," lily-flowered, fringed, "parrot," and the many double-flowered varieties. If properly planned, a garden can have tulips in continual bloom for two months or more.

Cultural Information: Well-drained, light, rich humus is the best soil for tulips. They are also fond of lime. It is helpful to scatter Holland Bulb Booster, which can be purchased from a Picton flower shop, on top of soil at the rate recommended by the manufacturer. Water it in at planting time and every fall thereafter. Water very well to start the roots growing in fall. Replace tulips every year if you want the same number of bulbs, as in a formal planting.

Harvesting/Drying: Tulip drying is for the courageous. Silica gel is the only successful method. Carefully place the tulip face up into a paper cup slightly larger than the diameter of a cup-shaped tulip. Gently pour the silica to encircle and cover the tulip. For double tulips shaped like peonies or roses, follow the instructions for drying peonies and roses in silica gel.

Wrought Iron containers

I well remember seeing in Florida two magnificent wrought-iron urns filled entirely with white petunias and nothing else. They looked superb. I tried it here but with no great success. Maybe my setting was not so elegant, though single colour pots of plants do look extremely good, or perhaps there was not quite enough space to show them off to advantage. This is something that is definitely worth another try, so ask your florist the next time you take a flower delivery Newman.

When planting hanging baskets it pays to use the very best soil and layer it well with sphagnum moss. For pots and tubs good loam is necessary as most plants have to survive with a small quantity of soil. I never feed mine enough during the summer and then really regret it. I am determined to do better next year.

Click for flowers

Due to the rise of globalization end e-commerce, virtually any and every exotic or unusual flower you can think of is now available at any time or in any place, through florists or at the click of a mouse, Despite this, seasonal blooms and our indigenous wild flowers still seem to exert a powerful appeal. Perhaps this is because — through the plants, grasses and trees that are familiar to us — we feel more rooted to the earth and more connected to Mother Nature.

These arrangements are a far cry from the conventional ‘flower arrangement’. Bare branches, or those studded with emerging blossom, introduce a breath of fresh air into an interior. Dried leaves, seedpods end clusters of jewel-like berries are like treasure trove, brought inside and put on display, inviting onlookers to marvel over them and admire their tine detailing, examining the network of veins on a leaf, the intricate structure of a seedpod or the lustrous glow of autumn berries. Who would fail to be impressed by these flowers delivered Haringey to your door?

The Perfect Arrangement

If you learned all the rules of flower arrang­ing and applied them all to every arrange­ment, it would be nothing short of a miracle. It would also take the fun out of flower arranging. So be sure to follow this one simple rule: Arrange flowers in such a way that they will please you.

There are countless books on flowers, and every magazine has photos of arrangements, both for use at home and for Longwell Green flower delivery. Take notice of the ones you like best. Start by creating simple arrangements, then move on to more complicated arrangements as your skills and confidence increase. For example, you might want to use a single color with varying shades and foliage in your first arrangement. Arrangements can be as simple as a small bunch of Celosia placed in an old teapot or as intricate as a large mass arrangement composed of a number of different flowers, berries and dried pods. The most important thing to remem­ber is that there are no set rules in dried flower arranging; any combination of flowers that pleases you is a perfect arrangement!

Packaging and stationary for flowers

Boxes For flowers that will be traveling any distance, cardboard boxes are a secure form of packing. Those with windows have the added benefit of displaying the flowers Knowle. Boxes can also be decorated with ribbons and bows to enhance the finish.

PVC cylinders and tubes are very popular for single flowers, stems of orchids and corsages; these come in a vast array of shapes and sizes, and are usually decorated with ribbons or bows, to complete the design.

All wedding designs should be attractively packaged before delivery. Bridal boxes should be prepared well before the delivery date, and as soon as the bouquet is complete it should he packed in a box to keep it fresh. Bridal arrangements should be stored in a cool area until delivery.

Cards and envelopes should always be clearly and neatly written. The full name and address of the recipient should be printed on the envelope, together with any special delivery instructions. Care cards or instructions on how to look after the flowers or plants should be attached to all deliveries.

Instant Oasis

Some flowers are easy to combine informally in a bouquet by simply placing them in a container and arranging them loosely, one by one, until you get the effect you want. In other cases, you may desire a more formal arrangement and need to use devices you can purchase from a Tremorfa flower shop: Instant Oasis, a block of light, porous material, which is reusable; a pinholder (needlepoint holder); and floral clay or tape. Oasis is invaluable in arrangements because it holds the stems wherever you want them. Never let one flower depend on another to hold it upright. It won't work for long. Cut the Oasis slightly smaller than the container and push it onto a needlepoint holder that you've covered with a small piece of nylon panty hose. (The nylon makes it easier to cleanly remove the Oasis.) If the holder doesn't stay in place, fasten it to the bottom of the container with floral tape or clay. Soak the Oasis in lukewarm water for a minute or two before you set any flowers in it. The container you choose should be clean so the flowers will stay fresh, and the flowers should relate well to it. Neutral-colored containers show off blooms to best advantage, but use your imagination to create unusual combinations. Hide plain jars and cans in bas­kets, an antique kettle, or other receptacle, for example.

One of my favourite flowers - Amaranthus (amaranth, summer poinsettia)

Characteristics: Amaranths pro­vide wonderful displays of color in the late summer garden. These reliable, showy annuals were grown for medicinal purposes by early American settlers. Many different varie­ties provide a large range of shapes and colors, from deep red to brilliant yellows. Their bold color makes them hard to use, so they are best used as accent plants. Quick to grow, they can fill and enhance any garden spot. Amaranthus cau­datus, the tassel-type (love­-lies-bleeding), has brilliant red tassels that retain their color for eight weeks. The tassels, which are usually a foot or more in length, droop dramati­cally over the foliage. You can cut and air-dry the tassels for use in winter arrangements.

Cultural Information: Ama­ranths are not fussy about the soil in which they grow. As with many of the old reliable annuals, they seem to have bet­ter leaf color in poorer soil. Di­rect sow after all danger of frost is past and the soil is warm. In cooler climates, amaranths can be started indoors. Barely cover the seed, keep the soil moist, and germination should take two to three weeks. If you send flowers Maghull to another area, be careful not to disturb the roots, because this slows growth. It is best to move them after night temperatures stay above 50°F.

Relaxed summer days

In a way, summer itself is a special occasion because it’s punctuated by lots of mini-celebrations — picnics in the park, barbecues and long, lingering meals with family and friends. Summer’s the season, too, for indulging in all that’s fresh: fresh air, fresh produce and, of course, fresh flowers, which are at their most abundant at this time of year. If it’s hot, no one wants to go to too much trouble to create an elaborate table setting. Five minutes is about the maximum length of time most of us are willing to dedicate to setting the table and throwing together some flowers that will enhance the effect we’re after. To simplify the process, keep a collection of pretty containers at hand (or include them in your flower delivery Cesar Chavez), and a pair of scissors, and you’re sure to be ready for anything!

How about this?
Whilst we aim to provide you with a never ending supply of flower facts, you may like to check out A Million and One Flower Facts if you want even more! You can never have too many tips and facts when you love flowers, or wish to have a career in the floral industry.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Put those flowers down and pay attention

Cold Frame

Bulbs set outdoors must be covered to keep them from freezing so that you will not have to pry them out of hard ground in midwinter. If you bury your pots, embed them up to their rims in coarse sand and cover them with a 4- to 6-inch layer of soil plus a 4- to 6-inch blanket of an insulating mulch such as salt hay or wood chips. I prefer to use a cold frame that can be purchased from Burchells Green florists, setting the pots in it and filling in around them and covering them 3 to 4 inches deep with perlite or shredded styrofoam; either material offers good insulation and can easily be removed. Pots should be thoroughly watered before being placed in the ground or cold frame; they will require no further moisture until they are brought indoors.

Dahlia Fanaticism

When the first three dahlia plants ever seen outside Mexico arrived by having the flowers delivered Romford in 1789, the royal gardener to King Charles IV of Spain had them guarded as though they were crown jewels and forbade his assistants to share them with anybody. No wonder. Of all the myriad kinds of bulbs that flower in summer, the dahlia most flatters the gardener's ego. It begins blooming in midsummer and continues tirelessly until frost cuts it down. Depending on the variety, dahlias produce blossoms as small as a quarter or as big as a dinner plate, in every color but blue. (Horticulturists have been trying for years to breed a blue dahlia but have not yet succeeded.) The more the blooms are cut, the more the plant bears: up to 50 or even 100 blooms per plant in a season. It is not so hard to understand why dahlia fanciers sometimes verge on fanaticism about their hobby and grow nothing else.

Basic flower arranging equipment

Pin holders

These are available in many shapes and sizes with metal or plastic spikes to hold the flower stems. They are valuable for shallow containers and for flowers with thick stems. You will probably find that you will generally use a pin holder in combination with a little wire netting. This provides weight and support for any thin-stemmed flowers in an arrangement.

Keep pin holders dry when not in use. Split thick, woody material before trying to secure it, to avoid bending the pins.

There are also small four-pronged plastic spikes available which can be used to anchor florist’s foam to the base of containers with modeling clay.

Sand and moss

Sand can be used to set posies of flowers in small containers. It is heavy and inclined to scratch the surface of china, souse it with care. Moss is an excellent medium. Use it to cover areas of soil in a planted dish or to hide an expanse of netting when arranging early spring flowers in a basket. Always soak moss in water overnight before use and include some with your next flower delivery Tarrawarra to ensure you always have enough at hand when needed.

Basic Steps for Arranging

1. After choosing the con­tainer, add a support (or base) to fit securely inside. A block of floral foam or a circle of chicken wire fitted tightly into the bottom of the container will work as a support. Secure the support to the side of the con­tainer with floral tape. This important step prevents the ar­rangement from becoming top heavy. If neither floral foam nor chicken wire is available, use fine sand (a centuries-old method) as a support. Simply fill the container three-quarters full with dry fine sand.

2. Create the outline of the ar­rangement using taller spiky flowers. The stems of the flowers should not be all the same length because this would give an unnatural appearance.

3. Add tiny bunches of inter­esting material such as Nigella pods and secure them with wire onto a Kelvinbridge florists pick before adding.

4. For a final touch you may add some special flowers or pods. Place uneven numbers of these throughout the arrangement.

5. Place your filler material, such as German statice or baby's breath, to fill in holes and give a finished look.

6. Because of the brittle nature of dried flowers, spray the fin­ished arrangement with a preservative.

Edible and Non-Edible Flowers

It’s a popular trend these days to add some colourful petals to a salad or simply place a flower or two on a dish as a decoration. It’s a simple way of adding colour and variety to your meals, but a word of caution is required. Make sure you pick the right flower – many cut flower favourites are actually poisonous and should never be used, even as a garnish.

Several vegetable favourites, like broccoli and cauliflower are actually flowers, so you probably eat flowers more often than you think. But remember, there are many more poisonous flowers than edible ones, either sold as cut flowers by your local Beswick florist or grown in our gardens, so you need to be very sure the flower you use is safe. Never eat any flower that you are not absolutely sure is safe, and make sure you know how it was grown. Many cut flowers have been sprayed with insecticides and fungicides, so don’t use flowers sold in bunches in cooking. Edible flowers are most often sold loose, either as part of a salad, or by themselves. You will need to wash all flowers that you intend to eat – even if you grew them yourself.

Packing perfection

Foliage from distant countries, such as Costa Rica, arrives on our shores in perfect condition enclosed as it now is in sheets of polythene, within strong boxes. The polythene keeps the foliage in the conditions of high humidity that most foliage types prefer. Mimosa also requires high humidity around its fluffy flowers, and is sold in individually sealed bags.

Chrysanthemums are usually enclosed in cellophane sleeves and packed in boxes to prevent movement during transit. The cellophane also slows down the transpiration and evaporation of water from the foliage and flowers, creating a moist and humid atmosphere. Gerberas, with their delicate petals, have an inner sleeve in the box so that each flower head is held quite still during the flower delivery Franklin Hills process.

Long-lasting Dried Arrangements

The glycerin-preserved materials are recognizable by their waxy, soft feel. The stems are supple and bend without breaking. Usually the flowers have been systemically dyed during the preservation process, resulting in vivid colors that provide a fresh look. Because of their fragility, stems of dried flowers and grasses may bend or break when you send flowers Agoura Hills to someone. In that case, wire wood picks to the stems, then insert the picks into the foam with the flower stem exposed.

Properly cared for, dried arrangements are long-lasting. Display them out of direct sunlight, which will fade the blooms. A too-humid environment will cause the materials to droop, while insufficient humidity or high temperatures will make them brittle and fragile. Dried plant materials are a pleasure to work with and can make an ordinary floral design extraordinary.

European flower arrangements

European or continental arrangements are, as the name implies, a style of design that originated in Europe and is totally different from the standard British arrangement. A European design is far more structured, balanced but not symmetrical, its impact coming from groupings of bold materials. Every leaf and flower shows, and must therefore be perfectly groomed.

It is important with this type of design to use bold materials and a variety of shapes and textures in order to give the arrangement its impact.

The foam can be covered with mosses and fungi and also by recessing some low-lying flowers. This type of arrangement, with its clean lines, looks very good in modern buildings, and because it contains very few flowers in a reasonably large piece of foam, it can be kept well watered and is long lasting. Florists Kenedy can also make a fair profit on such arrangements due to the minimal amount of flowers involved.

Protecting Roses

When you have your flowers delivered Norwood, remove their moisture-conserv­ing wrappings immediately and dampen the roots. One way to keep them moist is to cover them with a wet piece of burlap; however, an even better way is to put the roots in a pail of water. This will en­able the plants to absorb all of the moisture that their cells will hold. An old-fashioned, but excellent, trick is to use muddy water. If there is a considerable clay content in the mud, the roots will come out coated with a film of mud, which will keep them moist while they are being planted.

The plants may be left in the water up to 24 hours prior to planting if necessary. But rose roots must be protected from freez­ing as well as from dehydration, and care should be taken that bush­es to be planted are not left out in the open overnight when freezing weather is expected. A combination of freezing temperatures and drying wind is especially lethal to roses. I once saw hundreds of healthy rose plants killed when careless nursery workers persisted in planting bare-root roses on a windy day when temperatures were only a few degrees below freezing. Even if the weather is mild, the bushes should be carefully sheltered from desiccating winds. It is a good idea to put them, immersed in their pail of water, in a corner of an unheated garage where no wind at all can reach them.

How about this?
Whilst we aim to provide you with a never ending supply of flower facts, you may like to check out Flower Files if you want even more! You can never have too many tips and facts when you love flowers, or wish to have a career in the floral industry.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beating up on your florist doesn't help

White Roses

White roses are the ultimate symbol of purity and innocence. They give a wonderful feeling of positive vibes, peace and tranquility. Its pristine exterior reflects the beauty and dignified meaning that it holds. Being one of the more popular roses (apart from the Queen of Roses – the Glamorous Red Rose), the White Rose, an understated and modest beauty holds great significance and is a symbol for interesting concepts. Discover more about the virtuous White Rose before you decide on whether it is the appropriate flower for you to send flowers

Retail flower-stores

Small growers are still numerous in the United States, but economy of flower-production is limited many times by the size of the output. Large business enterprises, therefore, are common. A few chain flower-stores are in operation, but as a rule they have not proved entirely successful. This seems to be due largely to the fact that the management of a Lower Hutt flower shop demands much detailed and personal attention, and the products sold are of such a perishable character that firms find it difficult to manage chain-stores. The syndicate plan of management so strongly advocated recently has not developed as was expected.

Retail flower-stores have become important centers of distribution. In some of the large cities, their location on principal thoroughfares requires high rentals, and the elegance of the interiors is striking. In other sections, the tendency is towards the disposal of large quantities of cut-flowers and potted plants at lower prices. In such stores the so-called "overhead" is comparatively low.

Wedding flowers on a budget

You could use a floral headpiece as a substitute for the bouquet if you are on a tight budget. The floral headpiece can easily be used instead of a bouquet to throw into the crowd of expectant women. This sure is an unusual way to lend that personal touch to the ceremony and can be really inexpensive when compared to the cost of a bouquet. If you plan on wearing a veil, then flowers can still be incorporated into the design. Just ask your local florist to get the best advice on which flowers will look best with your colour scheme. Once you have decided on the arrangement you want, the florist can send flowers
East Birmingham
over to you.

Be careful sending flowers online

I'm sure everyone is aware that you can send flowers many different ways on the internet? With lots of different options for delivery and ordering flowers online, you must be aware of security and safety of your personal information. Not only that, but you could be left with disappointing flowers if you choose the wrong Withington florist. Many florists online have created websites that lead consumers to believe that they are "local florists." Although you believe they are located in your area, many of them work in call centers far away from you or your flower recipient. With the following tips to sending your flowers online, you can be sure your flowers will get to your destination from a reliable and real professional florist.


Other cutting tools, tapes and wires

Secateurs: These are excellent for cutting thick woody stems.

Florists’ tape: This is used to conceal wires and seal stem ends. There are two main types of tape — the first is plastic and stretches, the warmth of your hand helping to secure it. The second type resembles crêpe paper, but is usually slightly sticky. The tapes are supplied in a variety of colours — green, brown, black, white and a range of pastel shades. Green is normally used with fresh materials, and brown with dried flowers.

Florists’ wire: This is used to support, control and anchor materials, lengthen stems and reduce weight. Always wire internally wherever possible, and use the finest gauge of wire that will give sufficient support. The larger the number, the thicker the gauge of a stub wire, the most popular. There is a wide variety of tapes available to the florist and it is a matter of personal preference which is used.

Glue guns are a comparatively recent, but now important, development in the floristry industry, performing numerous tasks effortlessly and securely — for example, attaching foam to containers and wall swags, ribbon to foam bases, or flowers Harbor Pines into bouquet holders.

Glue guns are divided into two types — hot and cool melt. The latter is ideal for attaching synthetic ribbons, which might otherwise melt, and the former is used for all other tasks.

Treating Stems

Stems which bleed

When some flowers are picked, a white ring of thick, milky sap forms on the cut surface. Either place the tips of the stems of these plants in shallow boiling water for thirty seconds or singe the cut tip in a candle flame for a few seconds.


Remove all the thorns from a rose by rubbing with the back of a pair of secateurs or cutting them from the stem. The exception to this treatment is for the single rose which is going to be displayed in a specimen vase. Excess foliage should also be removed straightaway. Place roses into deep water, but if they are limp, they should be wrapped in a roll of stiff paper first to support the heads.

There are two ways to revive roses that have started to wilt, provided the flower head has not fallen so far to one side that it has cracked the stem tissue. The first is to recut the rose stem and split it, place the tip in boiling water for thirty seconds, then wrap the stem and flower in stiff paper and place the stem in lukewarm water for a long drink. Alternatively, re-cut the stems and submerge the flower and stem in a bath of water for a couple of hours. Consult your local florist Woodlands for advice in this area.

Smelly stems

If you want to use a flower or foliage that is known to smell in water, it is best to isolate it from other material. One way is to wrap the cut stem in wet cottonwool which has been dipped in disinfectant and secure the stem in a polythene bag with a rubber band before putting it with the other material.

Hollow stems Flowers with hollow stems require special treatment as it is difficult for water to get to the flower head. After cutting, turn the flower upside down and fill the stalk with water. Seal the end with your finger until you have placed it in deep water.

The Lily: Symbol of Purity

"The angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Naza­reth, to a virgin [whose] name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, 'Hail, thou that art highly fa­vored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women .... thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.'''

One of the most tender scenes in the New Testament, St. Luke's account of the Annunciation provided a favorite text for the painters of the Renais­sance. The Holy Ghost customarily appears overhead in the form of a dove. The Blessed Virgin is already crowned with a halo, signifying her ho­liness. The angel, who had traditionally borne a scepter to show that he was God's herald, now comes holding a white lily, a symbol both of the Virgin's purity and of her role as Queen of the Angels. Many people today still appreciate the imagery of the white lily when they send flowers Church.

This imagery was not new; Greek mythology claimed that the lily had first sprung from the milk of Hera, the wife of Zeus. Christian legend adopt­ed and embellished the symbolism of flowers and their sacred associations. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a mystic of the 12th Century, declared ecstatical­ly of Christ's birth that "The Flower wished to be born of a Flower, in a flower, at the time of flowers."

Preparing for Christmas

Carefully thought-out and well-organized preparation is essential if you are to meet the needs of this busy selling time.

  • Clearing stock rooms creates storage space for the Christmas stock.

  • Tidy workrooms, offices, chillers and cellars to gain maximum working and storage space.

  • Plan shop window and interior displays so that special props and display stands are made in advance.

  • Clean and re-organize the shop to give extra display and serving areas.

  • To gain maximum interest, Christmas merchandise can be put on display in late October / early November.

  • All stock must be clearly priced; staff must know every product, where it is displayed, and its name, use and price.

The florist Butetown shop must always look attractive and full. Display areas and shelves must constantly be tidied and restocked to tempt customers to buy. During November, Christmas designs made with dried and fabric materials can be prepared, as can bows for gift wrapping. Nearer Christmas, prepare planted bowls and decorate holly wreaths, crosses and door garlands.

Serving areas must be stocked with wrapping/packing equipment and order pads. During the hectic Christmas rush, courteous, friendly and knowledgeable sales staff in the florist’s shop can make Christmas shopping a pleasure.

Stick to the tried and tested

When arranging flowers, many people consider only the sensuous impact the actual blossoms will have on the beholder. But flowers Roxbury are more than just blossoms — they are also composed of stems, leaves and roots. And then there are the myriad other forms a flowering plant may assume, such as a tree, shrub or vine. Taking an artistic risk with an arrangement rather than sticking to the tried and tested, may therefore result from an impulse to experiment with the delightful and novel shapes and textures of tall, smooth stems, glossy leaves, rustling grasses, bare branches and sculptural seedpods.

Can't get enough aye?
Ok, so you need even more facts, tips and information on flowers? Well, you're in luck, just head over to The Home of Flower Lovers for more great information. Say hi from us as you browse through their mountain of flower and florist tips.

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