Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Give your florist a break

Baskets are an ideal accompaniment for flowers. They are available in a multitude of materials and an amazing assortment of shapes and sizes, so it is possible to purchase a suitable basket for any occasion. Small delicate baskets can be used for designs to be carried, large ones for planted displays, and all the sizes in between for fresh, fabric or dried arrangements.
With a coarsely-woven rustic basket, use a profusion of dried country-style flowers, such as larkspur, yarrow, alchemilla and tansy. Fabric flowers in a small pastel-coloured basket can create a wonderfully romantic display for a bride or her attendants. Complete the design with a bow of good- quality fabric ribbon just as any good florists Thornlie would do.
It is a good idea to link the colour of the basket to the arrangement, so choose pale pastel shades to fill a straw-coloured willow basket, or vibrant exotic flowers to complement baskets of woven palm or bamboo.

Flowers of the world - Lonas inodora (African daisy, golden ageratum)
Characteristics: The African daisy's clusters of bright yellow flowers bloom in late summer. The flowers appear on strong, branching stems that do not require wiring. The flowers resemble those of Achillea filipendulina, but are much smaller. This hardy annual is not affected by a light frost and will bloom well into autumn. Plant Lonas inodora in borders for long periods of interest and color. They combine well with annual blue salvia or in front of late-blooming purple asters.
Cultural Information: Lonas inodora will grow in almost any soil, provided it has good drainage. In warm climates, direct sow the seed in April. In climates with late spring, sow the seed indoors in March, 1/8 inch deep, at temperatures of 55° F. Plant outside after danger of frost. Space the seedlings 12 inches apart.
Harvesting/Drying: Harvest the flowers Sasolburg of the African daisy just before they are fully opened. Remove the foliage and secure with rubber bands in bunches of no more than five heads. Hang the bunches in a dark, dry, well-ventilated spot.

There are many mixed packets of begonia seed on the market and these, given a bed to themselves, provide great pleasure and constant colour from the first flowering to the first frost, with little or no special care, apart from watering. If you like the more unusual then it might be worth trying ‘Coco Ducolour’. It does need careful planting and placing to show it off to the best advantage, but the white flowers edged with red and the well-shaped plants with their bronze foliage really appeal to me. These are not your typical flower that you would see in an average florists Khandallah shop and can be difficult to get hold of.

When would you send men flowers?

Pretty much the same occasions as for women. Think back to the times when you would love to receive flowers: on your birthday, on special anniversaries, during down times, after a job promotion, the list goes on. Any of these would also be a good time to send flowers to the man in your life. A word of warning though, most men would not like to receive flowers sent to their place of work. A sense of embarrassment in front of their work colleagues is the reason for this. Always send flowers Kenilworth to a place where he feels comfortable receiving them, and never to a place where he may be placed in an akward position.

Color Palette
Color is one of the most essen­tial elements in designing your garden. If you grow flowers of complementary colors, your dried flower arranging will be made easy. Many of the ever­lasting flowers (gomphrena, for example) have strong colors that need careful placement in the borders. Gomphrena 'Buddy', a lively royal purple flower that can be found in a Laurieston flower shop, looks terrific when grown next to shades of pink, white or even the sunny yellow of coreopsis. Vibrant colors such as yellow and orange will bring warmth and excitement to your arrangements. Strong colors are certainly important in the gar­den and in dried arrangements.
But remember that white is also indispensable; it helps to create harmony among the other colors. The white Ammobium (winged everlasting) and Anaphalis (pearly everlasting), for example, complement the strong rose and crimson colors of Aster novae-belgii. White also brightens up both the gar­den and arrangements. You'll find that pink roses are beauti­ful in combination with the blue of lavender. Experiment with color combinations to find your favorites!

How to Buy Bulbs
When you shop for bulbs, the best advice I can give you is to deal with reputable firms. If you choose to have the bulbs sent to you via Fallowfield flower delivery, always be certain to check the bulbs before signing your receipt. Wrapped in the tight brown packages of their own tissue, bulbs can hide, even from a practiced eye, internal damage they may have suffered since leaving the grower’s fields. They may have been improperly dried, or cured, or they may have been overheated in shipment or storage, either of which can doom the embryonic flower inside. The terminology under which bulbs are sold is not much help: some are classified by their circumference in inches or centimeters; others are labeled “top size” or “exhibition,” called “jumbo,” “first size,” “second size” or “flowering size.” If you buy from a top-grade nursery, garden center or mail-order house, however, you can depend on the fact that, despite the trade jargon, what you will get will be of a size and grade suitable for growing in your garden with satisfying results.

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