Monday, October 25, 2010

Bring me some flowers

Be inspired when arranging flowers
There are a variety of books, paintings, pictures and calendars available which will give you lots of inspiration when it comes to arranging flowers in your home. Study these carefully; decide if the arrangement is suitable for the location you have in mind; check whether the material will be readily available or if you can adapt the arrangement to suit the flowers and foliage in your garden.
The character of your house and the particular room where you want to put flowers will dictate the style of arrangement you are looking for. Consider the type of furnishings you have, the colours in the room and where the flowers will be placed.
Generally, people aim for one or two fairly large arrangements in a room. However, do not overlook smaller arrangements grouped together or placed on a table in conjunction with other complimentary items perhaps of a similar colour grouping.
Dining table arrangements do not have to be restricted to one formal piece in the centre of the table. Individual nosegays placed in front of each guest work well. Herbs offer another range of decorative options with the addition of an attractive scent. They can be used in bunches, on their own or mixed with flowers.
Arranging flowers is a creative art. No two arrangements will turn out to be exactly the same, which is part of the fun of this particular craft. Experiment with different types of flowers Old Trafford and foliage and different sized arrangements until you develop your own individual style.
Often people tend to have one particular place in a room where they always put their flowers. Try breaking this habit and experiment with different locations.

Minimalist magic
Many people equate celebration with the opportunity to pull out all the stops in terms of decoration; others, by contrast, are masters of the minimal, relying on a few carefully selected objects to make a statement. Just florist Wallasey mumbo jumbo, or plain common sense - well you decide.
In this scenario, the tabletop can be transformed into an avant-garde stage for a meticulous presentation of food and drink. A monochromatic palette provides a clean backdrop for the bold, understated floral flourishes, which rely on unconventional flowers and foliage to create visual impact. Colour — metaphorically speaking — arises out of the food and conversation, which is precisely what makes a meal special!

Unusual flowers - Daucus carota (Queen Anne's lace)
Characteristics: Queen Anne's lace has lovely lacy, creamy white flowers that bloom in late summer. It grows alongside roads and in meadows where it has naturalized. In fact, in many areas it is illegal for Lichfield florists to sell the seed because it has escaped from gardens and is now so prolific that it crowds out many native flowers. It is perfect for both fresh and dried arrangements and is easily air-dried.
Cultural Information: Queen Anne's lace, which is usually found growing in sunny, open areas, has few requirements. It does not require fertile soil, but does best in soil that is well drained. It will self-sow vigorously if flower heads are al­lowed to go to seed.
Harvesting/Drying: Collect the flower heads when they have just opened, before they begin to curl and turn an off-white color. The flowers can be air-dried by putting the stems through a wire rack. With this method the flower heads tend to shrink up and curl a bit. The best way to preserve the flowers is to place the heads face up in a box and surround and cover them with desiccant. For another interesting look, allow some of the flower heads to ma­ture on the stems. They will curl up and form lacy balls.

Process for New Roses
The process of preparing a rose flower to serve as the seed, or female, parent begins a few hours to a day before the flower is due to open, while the pollen grains are still immature and the petals are still covering the sex organs. The flower petals are first cut away with small scissors or pulled off with the fingers; the se­pals, the green leaflike petals beneath the colored petals, may be cut away or peeled back. Then the male parts of the blossoms, the fine anthers, are picked off with tweezers. The flower now has only its female parts, the pistils, left in its center. The blossom should then be covered with a bag to keep out pollen that might be carried by insects or wind. Now its seeds cannot be fertilized except by poll­en deliberately provided.
In a day or two the fuzzy stigma, looking like a miniature tuft of golden carpet atop the female pistils, will become sticky and be ready to receive pollen. At that time ripe pollen from the male par­ent should be applied to the stigmas. The pollen is ripe when the flower anthers split open so that the pollen inside can be seen to look like gold dust; ripening usually occurs about a day after the rose is cut. For the amateur the simplest way to transfer pollen is to brush the anthers of the male flower over the stigmas of the female. Professional Fishponds florists collect the pollen in a dish and transfer it with a camel’s-hair brush, but it is said that Francis Meilland, the French florist who created the Peace rose, simply used the end of his finger.

Flower Deliveries
Ensure that deliveries are carried out in a respectful and professional manner — there should be no impression of a last-minute rush. Containers should not leak, and designs must be stable and well balanced. Pollen stains are difficult to eradicate, so stamens should be removed from lilies.
Prickly and sharp foliages should be avoided, as they make tributes tiresome and difficult for funeral directors to handle. Keep to these simple rules when organising your next flower delivery Point Fermin and you'll be well on the way to becoming a successful florist.

Reputable online florist

You must keep a few things in mind when deciding which online florist to use for your flower delivery. Most well-known flower companies' business depends on the trust of their customers. Before putting your full reliance in a flower delivery service online, look for a privacy policy. This way you can be positive that they will not sell your e-mail address or phone number. Another good indication of a reliable and reputable florist is their refunds policy. Check to see if you can get a refund or replacement arrangement if the flower delivery Cyncoed was not satisfactory.

Selecting Flowers
Buying flowers can be costly but many people these days frequently have no other means of supply. If you need a large quantity, try to visit your local flower market. These are generally open early in the morning and apart from offering fresh flowers at competitive prices, they can also be very entertaining.
Before selecting any material, look at the foliage and at the base of the stems. Discolouration can indicate age. Flowers should look as fresh and healthy as possible with no evidence of wilting. Smell will tell you if the material has spent some length of time in water. The base of the stems should not be slimy at all.
Material selected from florist shops will sometimes have been kept in cool, air-tight conditions and this will help to preserve them. Flowers and foliage offered by street traders will have been subject to the effects of the weather conditions.
Flowers such as irises, daffodils, gladioli and tulips should be bought when they are still in bud as they will soon open in a warm room. Look for roses at your florists Kirkdale that have nicely shaped plump buds with good fresh foliage right up the stem. Chrysanthemums and other single daisy-type flowers should have a hard, green centre with a ring of pollen showing yellow at the base of the petals. Poppies open very quickly in water, so if possible buy them with only a trace of colour showing.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Too hot for flowers

Basic flower arranging equipment
Secateurs and scissors
Sharp secateurs and a pair of short-bladed florist’s scissors are essential equipment and well worth investing in. Ordinary scissors tend to squash the stems of flowers.
Florist’s scissors are designed to make it easy to get right into an arrangement to snip off non-essential material. They can also be used for cutting thin wire and any flowers Ridgeway. A good pair of secateurs will be used constantly for gathering flowers and cutting woody branches from the garden.
Wire netting
A fairly pliable chicken wire with a large mesh, approximately 5 cm (2 inches) is useful. It can be bought in convenient lengths from hardware shops.
The beauty of wire as a base is that you will be able to achieve open, airy arrangements easily and can economise on the amount of material required. Keep the netting clean and dry when not in use. The amount you will need depends on the size and shape of vase you frequently use. Fold the netting into layers so that the holes overlap and stalks can be held in position at several levels. In a tall container you should aim to get four or five layers. In a shallow dish three to four layers should be enough. Once you have achieved the right shape for a particular vase, keep it only for that purpose. This avoids continuously bending and folding the wire which will crack the galvanizing causing the wire to rust and deteriorate rapidly. Place the netting so that the cut ends are at the top of the vase. They can then be twisted to clip around the rim or vase handle to hold the wire firmly in place.
To use wire in a glass container, make a tangle of netting to fill the upper third of the vase, hooking the cut ends over the rim of the glass. Then when you make your arrangement hide this with down-curving foliage.
If you are using a valuable china vase or silver container, either line it first with thick brown paper or try plastic coated wire netting to protect the surface from scratching.

Instant Oasis
Some flowers are easy to combine informally in a bouquet by simply placing them in a container and arranging them loosely, one by one, until you get the effect you want. In other cases, you may desire a more formal arrangement and need to use devices you can purchase from a North Jim Hogg flower shop: Instant Oasis, a block of light, porous material, which is reusable; a pinholder (needlepoint holder); and floral clay or tape. Oasis is invaluable in arrangements because it holds the stems wherever you want them. Never let one flower depend on another to hold it upright. It won't work for long. Cut the Oasis slightly smaller than the container and push it onto a needlepoint holder that you've covered with a small piece of nylon panty hose. (The nylon makes it easier to cleanly remove the Oasis.) If the holder doesn't stay in place, fasten it to the bottom of the container with floral tape or clay. Soak the Oasis in lukewarm water for a minute or two before you set any flowers in it. The container you choose should be clean so the flowers will stay fresh, and the flowers should relate well to it. Neutral-colored containers show off blooms to best advantage, but use your imagination to create unusual combinations. Hide plain jars and cans in bas­kets, an antique kettle, or other receptacle, for example.

Wedding Reception Flowers

Floral arrangements are a great way to carry a consistent theme throughout your Australian wedding experience, which is very important when planning your big day. There is nothing more beautiful (bride excepted of course) than a reception venue decorated in the same theme as your bridal bouquets. You can't of course, trust this important job to just any old florist. We strongly recommend you use a flower delivery Stepneyville expert with many years of experience in providing fresh flowers to Australia. Flowers, whether you're sending them online, or purchasing for your wedding day send such an important message, that you just have to get it right. There is no second chance if the flowers arrive on your wedding day not as you had expected. Communication between yourself and your florist is vital to ensure that everyone is happy on the big day.

Bulbs at Work Underground
While all plants manufacture and store food to some degree, true bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers and tuberous roots accumulate enough nutrients to give them a head start on next season’s growth. Many true bulbs and corms, in fact, contain not only complete plants but enough food to nourish their blossoms and leaves through the blooming periods. That is why some bulbs, such as the autumn crocus, will flower on a shelf if you have neglected to plant them in time, and why some hyacinths and paper-white narcissuses will bloom if simply set in a bowl of moist pebbles. That is why anybody can get these bulbs to bloom once, with little or no effort. The flower is already there and so is the food for it. But bulbous plants will not flower again unless their leaves, which, as in all green plants, manufacture sugars and starches through the process of photosynthesis, have time to replenish the depleted food supply for the coming year. After the blooms have faded, the leaves must have a normal growing and ripening period in order to build up strength in the bulb for next year’s flowers. For this reason the foliage must never be cut until it has yellowed, a mistake all too many beginning Cathays florists make in an effort to keep things neat. Even after the foliage has completely withered, the bulbs are at work belowground, and whether they are dug up and stored or left to winter in the cold, they continue to undergo internal chemical change essential to growth and flowering.

Florist background

Ever wondered how your local Coleshill Florist is able to send out such wonderful blooms on your behalf? Well before they actually get to the florist, there is a whole wide range of steps taken in the cut flower market. By harvesting and handling a cut flower crop in the best way, the quality of the marketable product is greatly improved, and with better quality comes longer shelf life.

Originality for men

When sending flowers to men, you must be original with your choices because women are different then men when it comes to personal choices in flowers. Consider a unique or personally designed flower vase. Why not include some tropical flowers in your arrangement or bouquet to add that extra bit of originality? If you decide to send flowers Bartlett then I'm sure you will reap the rewards later. These suggestions will definitely get your special guy's attention and gratitude.

Posy pad
A posy pad base is ideal for a Mother’s Day arrangement, for it enables flowers and a gift to be incorporated into one design. The ribbon seen here is box pleated and stapled; it is attached to the frame with a cool melt gun — a hot gun might damage the ribbon.
The base is held under the tap for a minute or two to soak the foam. Flowers and foliage are added at different heights to create interest, and it is important to include an attractive variety both of textures and of shapes. This type of design is also ideal for birthdays and other anniversaries and for Christmas.
The flowers Howard Park may be given a fine misting before the gift is added, but once the gift is in place, make sure that it does not get wet. A piece of cellophane is placed under the gift to keep it dry.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Where to now for local florists?

The Versatility Of Flowers
Fresh flowers are truly a wonder of nature. They can easily brighten up not only room but a person’s mood as well. Fresh flower bouquets make wonderful birthday, anniversary and Valentine’s Day gifts.
The beauty doesn’t necessarily have to wither over time though there is a way to capture the essence of the flower forever. Preserving fresh flowers isn’t a difficult process. It can easily be done and once completed you have a tangible memory of the arrangement and the occasion it marked. One of the first steps in preserving fresh flowers is to spray the flowers with hair spray. The hair spray helps to preserve the color of the flowers. Next you’ll want to hang the flowers upside down in a dark, dry and cool place. This can be a closest or in a basement if you have one in your home.
Once the flowers Liverpool have dried significantly you can place them in a vase again or arrange them in another manner without having to worry about them spoiling. A very popular method for preserving fresh flowers is to press them. Pressing them involves placing them between two pieces of wax paper or paper towel. Once you’ve done that you’ll place them in a book and then place several books on top. The weight presses the flower into a flat position.

Faking it

Some of the more traditional amongst you may scoff at the idea of using fake flowers, but it is a real and viable alternative in today’s world. Not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on fresh flowers, or employ a florist to create unique arrangements. Fake flowers can look just as beautiful, and these days you can even spray them with a fragrance to complete the floral deception. I would wager that the majority of guests at the wedding would not even notice that the flowers were not fresh. Artificial flowers might even put your local flower delivery Melrose Hill expert out of business one day!

Wiring before Drying
Most flowers need a minimum of preparation before air­-drying. However, those with weak stems and heavy flower heads (such as roses, peonies, dahlias and strawflowers) will need wiring before drying. Clip the stems to about ½ inch from the flower and gently feed a length of 21-gauge Blythswood Hill florists wire up the stem and into the head of the flower. Hide the wire by wrapping it with green floral tape or another stem. Make sure the wire is not sticking out of the flower's center; this will become more noticeable and unattractive as the flower dries.
Most air-dried flowers are hung upside down in bunches because the weight of the flower heads causes the stems to dry straight. Group together small bunches of spiky flowers, such as lavender or blue salvia, wrap with a rubber band, and hang to dry. The rubber band will tighten as the material be­gins to dry and shrink, which prevents the flowers from slip­ping out. Hang large, double flowers individually to make sure the blooms are not crushed. The bunches and individual flowers can be hung from a hook, wooden rod, rack, coat hanger or any other sturdy support.

Tools of the trade when flower arranging
It is not necessary to rush out and buy a whole lot of equipment to complete a wide variety of arrangements successfully. The main purpose of taking the time and effort needed to arrange the material is to show it off in the most effective way possible. Care should be given to shape, proportion and colour, as compatibility between flowers, foliage and the container is essential.
On some occasions the vase may be almost as important as the flowers themselves. There are many times, however, when the container is hidden by the arrangement and serves solely as a receptacle to anchor the material and provide a source of water. In these instances, a baking tray can be just as useful as an expensive vase. The reverse may occur when you have only a few blooms, as the container’s style and appeal will be paramount and can contribute greatly to the charm of the arrangement.
A flower container does not have to be a vase. The kitchen cupboard will invariably provide a variety of interestingly shaped objects. Jugs, casserole dishes, a soup tureen, mugs, a lidless teapot or even an empty bottle or spaghetti jar can often provide just the shape and size to match the material. In addition to finding the right container, it can sometimes be necessary to use some florists Rhiwbina aids. These materials can be bought from most florist shops or florist’s suppliers.

Arranging those cut flowers

Ideally, you would already own a vase or two. If you don't, purchase a large glass one, the wider it is at the top, the better. Then drop large hints to your nearest and dearest that you would like to practise your flower-arranging skills. Or send yourself a bouquet. Or send one to your sister or best friend or mother and hope she returns the favour.
A bouquet usually contains enough flowers to fill two vases. Arrange the larger flowers at the back and the smaller ones at the sides and the front. Don't be afraid to mix colours, flowers love to show off, and the more striking the arrangement the better. Never cram a vase too full. Better two vases with plenty of space than one overflowing. Wrap the ribbon that came with the bouquet around your vase. Check your own garden for greenery, if none came with your bouquet. Use half of the packet of flower food straight away, mix it with the vase water and save the rest for the water change. If you didn't receive any flower food with your bouquet, phone up your local Gisborne florist shop and complain!

Trimming your cut flowers

When cutting, cut at an angle, as that makes greater surface area for the water to enter the stem. Cut off any leaves that will be under water, as left on the stems, they will begin to rot and promote bacterial growth. Keep your flowers out of direct sunlight and heat, and change the water often. These initial steps will ensure a healthy bouquet.

For those seeking natural means of protecting and caring for flowers, the only thing to avoid from the above-mentioned description of flower care will be the plant food and anti-bacterial preservative to keep the plants healthy. There are many natural formulas for those preferring to avoid the chemicals found in plant food. Water is the essential element for all of life to survive. So, ensuring that your plant gets the best water for it will ensure a longer life whenever you receive flowers Stepney.

Easy-Care Cut Bulbs
Flowers cut from bulbs are unusually easy to care for. Unlike annuals and most other perennials, they do not need deep water, nor do they seem to benefit from the addition of cut-flower pre­servatives. Even a shallow dish can be used for arrangements so long as the end of each stem is submerged in clean water. Anemones, tulips and ranunculuses can frustrate flower ar­rangers because the flowers and their stems bend toward the light no matter what position they are arranged in. The bending seems at­tractive to me, for a few gracefully curved stems add rhythm and charm to a flower arrangement. If you want the stems to stay in a certain position, you can wire them as Didsbury florists do. Flowers cut from spring bulbs do not last long, chiefly because indoor temperatures are so much warmer than those outdoors. How­ever, if you set the flowers each night on a porch or some other spot that is as cool as possible (so long as it is above freezing), you can add several days to the life of the arrangements.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When you've tried everything possible there's only flowers left

A Prayer Book Spray
A prayer book decorated with a spray of flowers can be carried either by the bride or by a bridesmaid. You need to see the book to assess the size of floral spray required. The completed design must look attractive without overpowering the prayer book. Ask the bride to bring the book into the shop prior to the wedding. Wrap, label and store it carefully, as the item is of great sentimental value to the bride. When organising the flower delivery Collyhurst ensure that the book spray is included, and packaged carefully to prevent damage. Use plenty of tissue paper to support this delicate arrangement.

Acidantheras, native to Ethiopia, are close relatives of gladioluses, and they look it. They grow from corms, sending up tall spikes that bear delightfully scented, creamy white flowers that open in sequence from the bottom of each spike, often blossoming from August until October. Plants are highly effective grouped in clusters of a dozen or so in borders, or close to the house where their fragrance is particularly welcome. They also make splendid cut flowers, and are an excellent choice to use in arrangements when you have the flowers delivered Hamilton to a happy recipient. A. bicolor grows 1 ½ to 2 feet tall and has especially fragrant 2-inch-wide flowers with chocolate-brown centers; A. bicolor murielae, the most common acidanthera in cultivation, grows 2 ½ to 3 ½ feet tall and has flowers up to 4 inches across, with red to purple center markings. A cross of these two plants, A. hybrida tubergenii, is similar to A. bicolor, except that its flowers open three weeks earlier and the central markings are reddish. Removing faded flowers encourages the spikes to branch, giving more blossoms and extending the flowering season.

Patio gardens
The paved area with its decorative pots must surely have started life in towns where space is limited and nearly everyone craves for something green and something which lives and needs tending. But the pattern is changing and the patio garden has come to the country, too. As we have so little sun in Britain we all want to make the most of the smallest ray, hence the sunroom and the patio are both welcome additions to many homes. And because of lack of help in the garden it seems to me that pot gardening for the summer is becoming more and more popular and patios are proliferating. When deciding on which plants to use on the patio, I always try and catch someone making a flower delivery Feltham nearby and seek their advice. The best people to ask for advice on plants and flowers are those that work with them day in and day out.

Using Colour in Floristry
It is the colour of flowers that first attracts the eye. Just think how often you have walked into a florist’s shop and thought ‘Aren’t those deep red roses gorgeous!’, or wandered through a friend’s garden and gasped at the golden roses tumbling over the wall.
Flowers in their natural settings never clash; they always have foliage to soften the edges and merge the images. When we cut flowers and bring them into the house (or get our flowers delivered Croxton into the home), however, we alter the setting by changing the lighting and background.
We now need to look at the individual colours and see how we can use their particular qualities to the greatest effect.

Stay careful online

Keep in mind when you are planning to send flowers online that not everything may be as first seems. With many "scam" websites on the net, you may feel worried about ordering anything online. Most well-known flower companies business depends on trust of their customers. Before putting your full reliance in a florist or a flower delivery Bronte expert, look for a privacy policy. This way you can be positive that they will not sell your e-mail address or phone number. Many companies will offer refunds or an exchange offer if you are unsatisfied with your products.

Creative vases

Even if you haven't got a single vase in the house, you can still enjoy your cut flowers. Actually, vases can tend to be a little, shall we say, boring. Why not think laterally and have a scout around your home for some more interestingly shaped recepticles? Wine, beer, and mineral water bottles come in interesting shapes and colours, and reduce arranging to its basics. Choose flowers with large heads like gerbera, lilies, orchids or sunflowers - add one stem per bottle and line them up on your mantelpiece for instant glamour. Roses are another good choice especially if you want to send flowers Newton Heath to a family member.

Aristocrats of the Garden
In planting lilies, few home gardeners want, or can afford, to duplicate the vast displays seen in public arboretums and parks. This is just as well; lilies have often been called the aristocrats of the garden, and like aristocrats they are used to standing alone. They are striking in small groups, particularly if their statuesque stalks and bright, sculptured flowers Rumney are highlighted against a dark background of evergreens. But wherever a few lilies stand, they still draw the eye, and for this reason the taller varieties can be used with stunning effect to terminate a garden vista.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Taking maximum benefit from your online florist

Flowers of the world - Limonium (sea lavender)
Characteristics: Native American sea lavender is a perennial that grows along coastal areas and in salt marches. It develops soft lavender clouds of flowers that appear in late summer. Sea lavender is a protected plant and should not be picked from the wild, but several garden species such as Carolina sea lavender (Limonium carolinianum) are available from a florist Cyncoed. Their dried flowers are useful in dried arrangements.
Cultural Information: Sea lavender prefers full sun, but will take some shade. It thrives in moist soil and is usually found growing alongside the shoreline in salt water. The garden varieties can be grown in average, well-drained soil in full sun.
Harvesting/Drying: Harvest L. carolinianum when the flowers have opened and before the centers start to discolor. Sea lavender air-dries easily and has a more informal look than L. sinuatum. It is very useful as a filler or background material for wreaths and arrangements.

Love these flowers series - Cyclamen
The large-flowered cyclamens, whose bright 2- to 4-inch blossoms beckon through Lisvane florists windows during the winter months, are well known to most gardeners, but not everyone is as familiar with the charming little wild, or species, cyclamens that may be grown in gardens throughout most of the country. Compared to their hot-house sisters, these species could be called miniatures because they grow only 4 to 5 inches tall, bearing ¾- to 1-inch butterfly like flowers in shades of pink or white.
Cyclamens are native to the islands and shores of the Mediterranean. In this country they blossom, according to their species, in spring or fall. In Zone 9 spring-flowering species come into blossom from January through March; elsewhere they open in April and May. Fall-flowering species bloom for four to six weeks, beginning as early as August in warmer areas and lasting into October in cooler regions. Flowers of every species bloom for many weeks. Most species lose their foliage for a brief period each year, usually in midsummer.

It's all in the Preparation
It is important to prepare the flower food correctly, using tepid water. Dispensing systems are available to florists. These regulate the proportion of nutrient to water, ensuring that the correct amount of flower food is used. Excessive dilution of the flower food will deprive cut materials of its beneficial effects. Use the solution once only, and do not mix old solutions with new. One point to remember is that flower food should not be used with metal containers, as a reaction can occur between the metal and the nutrients. This hinders the performance of the food and can corrode the metal. Some manufacturers specify that their foods should not be used with lead crystal containers. Don't even think about having those flowers delivered Bellahouston until the necessary prepartion work has been fully completed.

Creating Better Blooms
The first step toward the goal of a perfect rose is taken during the springtime pruning process. For a long time, it now turns out, people went about this the wrong way. They thought that cutting the plant back until almost nothing was left growing aboveground would stimulate it to grow a few exceptionally large blossoms. But not long ago skeptical Mount Maunganui florists conducted comparison tests. They discovered that all they achieved with hard pruning was damage to the plant. The best roses appeared if the bush was pruned just slightly more than average. As the flower-bearing stems grow, keep the number of buds on them to a minimum to encourage the development of large flowers. It is necessary to follow very rigidly the culture routine: fertilizing, watering and spraying on a regular schedule. Ample water is essential, as is careful spraying; any damage from disease or insects will ruin the appearance of a rose. But don't make the mistake of applying too much of anything. Some people try to stimulate blooms to grow very large by dosing them with extra amounts of fertilizer; the results are coarse, poorly formed blooms. But if the recommended regimen is adhered to religiously for about 60 days after pruning, the buds of a good hybrid tea will begin to unfold into big, well-formed blossoms.

Be inspired when arranging flowers
There are a variety of books, paintings, pictures and calendars available which will give you lots of inspiration when it comes to arranging flowers in your home. Study these carefully; decide if the arrangement is suitable for the location you have in mind; check whether the material will be readily available or if you can adapt the arrangement to suit the flowers and foliage in your garden.
The character of your house and the particular room where you want to put flowers will dictate the style of arrangement you are looking for. Consider the type of furnishings you have, the colours in the room and where the flowers will be placed.
Generally, people aim for one or two fairly large arrangements in a room. However, do not overlook smaller arrangements grouped together or placed on a table in conjunction with other complimentary items perhaps of a similar colour grouping.
Dining table arrangements do not have to be restricted to one formal piece in the centre of the table. Individual nosegays placed in front of each guest work well. Herbs offer another range of decorative options with the addition of an attractive scent. They can be used in bunches, on their own or mixed with flowers.
Arranging flowers is a creative art. No two arrangements will turn out to be exactly the same, which is part of the fun of this particular craft. Experiment with different types of flowers Monterey Hills and foliage and different sized arrangements until you develop your own individual style.
Often people tend to have one particular place in a room where they always put their flowers. Try breaking this habit and experiment with different locations.

Roadside Treasures
In your search for new and different materi­als, don't forget to search your roadsides and fields. Nature provides a wealth of plant materi­als to be used in dried arrangements and bou­quets. You will be delighted with many of the roadside treasures. (When collecting in the wild, remember that you should never deplete the roadside flowers. Leave at least a dozen be­hind, and use care not to disturb the roots. This way you will ensure their future beauty.)
Every season holds its own special dried treats. After the flowers fade, many plants retain seedpods and seed heads that are unusual, in­teresting and beautiful in arrangements to be used for Collyhurst flower delivery, which has become very popular in recent years.
The art of flower drying has advanced rapidly over this century and there are new techniques to help retain the lasting beauty of flowers. I suggest you start with the simplest technique: air-drying. Once you have mastered air-drying, you may decide to try your hand at more in­volved drying techniques. Using these methods, you can produce a dried flower that looks as fresh as the day it was picked.

Drying flowers
Perhaps it is a reflection on our own hectic lifestyles that we need lasting objects of natural beauty around us. The popularity of dried flowers and arrangements has remained constant for several years.
Dried materials have an ability to fit into any decor; larkspur, roses and gypsophila have a soft countryside appeal, while exotic pods and seed heads have a dramatic quality more suited to a modern decor. The dried flowers are available in a vast range of textures and forms and, with the introduction of improved dyes, many colours. Country garden pastels — pinks, creams and china blues — are being replaced in popularity by the rich tones of burgundies, forest green and velvety blues and purples.
Mixed bouquets or bunches are useful for those who wish to arrange at home, but many customers prefer to buy arrangements that have been designed to their particular requirements for their flower delivery West Bromwich. The use of fabric, freeze-dried, and the new-look paper flowers broadens the range and the appeal of the designs that a florist can now offer.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last chance to send flowers for Mother's Day

Packing perfection
Foliage from distant countries, such as Costa Rica, arrives on our shores in perfect condition enclosed as it now is in sheets of polythene, within strong boxes. The polythene keeps the foliage in the conditions of high humidity that most foliage types prefer. Mimosa also requires high humidity around its fluffy flowers, and is sold in individually sealed bags.
Chrysanthemums are usually enclosed in cellophane sleeves and packed in boxes to prevent movement during transit. The cellophane also slows down the transpiration and evaporation of water from the foliage and flowers, creating a moist and humid atmosphere. Gerberas, with their delicate petals, have an inner sleeve in the box so that each flower head is held quite still during the flower delivery Provanhall process.

Check out this flower - Tulipa
Tulips, a mainstay of spring gardens everywhere, can provide abundant flowers in a wide spectrum of colors from March through May, and many varieties can be enjoyed as house plants in midwinter. Dwarf varieties are excellent in rock gardens, and tall-growing ones are indispensable in borders. Most tulips make excellent cut flowers.
More than 4,000 named varieties of tulips are now in existence; several hundred are available commercially from a Sheldon flower shop. They are grouped into 15 classes, which are subject to almost constant revision.
Garden tulips are classed not only by their ancestry and flowering characteristics, but also by their time of bloom. In Zone 6, for example, so-called early-flowering tulips such as T. kaufmanniana and T. fosteriana bloom in mid- to late April, mid season tulips (Mendel, triumph, Darwin hybrid) bloom in late April to early May, and late-flowering tulips (Darwin, lily-flowered, cottage, Rembrandt, parrot, double late, T. greigii) bloom throughout May. Tulip flowers usually have cups about 2 or 3 inches deep but those that have been developed to bear unusually large flowers may have cups more than 4 inches deep. Some of the species tulips have cups as small as 1 inch deep.

Asymmetrical flower design
These arrangements lack the restriction of perfect symmetry. Asymmetrical balance occurs when unequal visual weight is placed at each side of an imaginary centre line. This design has a simple but strong ‘L’ shape and a visual movement which usually, but not necessarily, moves from left to right.
It is important to remember that to achieve asymmetrical balance, the distribution of flowers and foliage is unequal, with longer, lighter materials, such as bud flowers, fine foliage and lighter colours horizontally placed to one side of the high vertical line, and counter-balanced on the other side with short, bold materials in darker colours.
This style of design has limited use as a commercial arrangement, for it is awkward for florists Eagle Vale to deliver and, unless placed at the end of the recipient’s sideboard, chest or table, looks visually unbalanced. The ideal positions for an asymmetrical arrangement are either in the corner of a church window, where a design can be positioned, facing the congregation, or in matching pairs, perhaps at each end of a buffet table or placed on a mantelpiece.

Be daring
Succumbing to the allure of a rustling armful of grasses, the drama of a naked bough or the curves of an intricately patterned seedpod is, for some people, a daring and unconventional flight of fancy. To others, foliage, twigs and seedpods are every bit as pleasing to the eye as a lavish posy of roses and, moreover, they serve as an intriguing reminder of the wealth of different forms in the plant kingdom.
Working with sculptural plant matter requires a bold hand and eye. Such items usually are at their best with spare, contemporary rooms as a backdrop. By their very nature, after all, bold and sculptural displays are intended to stand out, to demand attention from onlookers. Scale is important. An armful of bare branches may look magnificent, but make sure they don’t impede your progress into a room, or threaten to catch your hair or poke you in the eye. Dramatic arrangements within your flower delivery Yokine require some space around them, and thus are better kept for spacious rooms. In contrast, if twigs, pods or vines are delicate, they need to be displayed where they can be studied — and admired — close up.
Idiosyncratic plant matter appears most striking when breathing space is given to the individual elements, such as nodes, pods, leaf forms or feathery foliage. The choice of container is important, too, for it should b able to hold its own and synchronize with what it embraces, or else the display will appear top-heavy and out of place, no matter where you set it down, be it on a sill, shelf, table or floor.

Love at first sight

Purple roses have long been a symbol of falling in love at first sight. Purple roses are used to express the indescribable and beautiful feeling of falling in love with a stranger, in hopes that this stranger will be somebody very familiar in the near future. In short, a purple rose sends a message to the recipient that he/she is charming and simply irresistible to have captured the heart of the sender at the very first sight. Many people of course do not believe in love at first sight, particularly blind people. But for those of us that do, we will continue to send flowers Levin and hope for the best.

Follow a theme

Matching the flowers to the theme and feel of your wedding is vitally important. Ensure that the flowers match the bride’s bouquet or the colour of the dress. Don’t overdo the hair piece with too many flowers, this can just result in the bride’s face being obscured from view. Use smaller, maybe even unopened flowers to ensure that the arrangement does not overwhelm the bride’s look. It is advisable to go to your hairstylist for a ‘dummy run’ to make sure that the style you end up with is appropriate. There is nothing worse than getting your hair done on the morning of the wedding, only to find that the style doesn’t suit you. It would also make a nice wedding present were someone to donate the flowers for the hair. They could easily organise a flower delivery Wavertree and send them over to your home on the morning of the big day.

Tulips: Cherished Flowers
Years ago, tulips became a mainstay of gentlemen's gardens ev­erywhere. In America, Washington and Jefferson were tulip fanciers. But tulips remained a cherished flower among sim­pler people, and as the Industrial Revolution swept families from country cottages to factory towns, the displaced rural folk took their tulips with them to cheer their dreary urban homes. These cottage tulips became popular among more af­fluent Brooklyn florists around 1880, and during the next decades the development of Darwins and Darwin hybrids, today's favor­ites, gave tulip growing a new impetus that has never abated.

The Long-limbed Climbers

Monday, May 3, 2010

My online florist knows what I like

General aftercare advice
Flower care is quite straightforward, provided these basic points are remembered: buy high quality flowers from a reliable supplier; use clean equipment; cut all stems with a sharp knife; use tepid water and a flower nutrient, and follow the correct cold storage procedures. Research into post-harvest care continues, alongside the development of new cultivars and improved methods of growing. Florists must keep informed of new techniques and methods of prolonging the life of cut flowers and foliages. Finally, consumer education will lead to longer lasting flowers. Aftercare advice and personal tips are generally welcomed by the public. Petal flowers, whether they take the form of a small bunch of daffodils or a large gift arrangement, should leave the shop with care instructions and flower food. The more customers see flowers as a good buy, the more flowers will become part of everybody’s weekly shop and we'll begin to see a regular flower delivery Madison Square for everyone.

Coloured roses

  • A single white rose is used by someone that wants to say ‘I’m sorry’ to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times, white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence. So sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure. If you send flowers Edge Hill in Perth then the single white rose is an excellent choice.
  • A single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your other half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single yellow roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.

Flowers of the world - Humulus (hop)
Characteristics: Humulus lupulus is a vigorous climber that grows to 20 feet each summer. Hops are dioecious, which means that male and female flowers grow on separate plants. The female flowers produce attractive green pinecone-like flowers. These flowers produce the essential oils and acids that are used to brew beer, and for this reason gardeners often send flowers Rancho La Tuna Canyon to breweries to aid in the process. They are also interesting additions to winter arrangements. The variety 'Aurea', which has yellow foliage, is usually grown as an ornamental.
Cultural Information: Start seed indoors early or outdoors after danger of frost. Or propagate from cuttings in the spring. Plant hops in an open area with good air circulation, which will help prevent mildew diseases. Provide a strong support and rich soil and hops will happily scramble past the height of their original support in no time. Apply 5-10-5 fertilizer in early spring.
Harvesting/Drying: Hops add interest to swags and over-door decorations. Collect the fully developed flowers from late summer until early autumn. Don't harvest before they have matured or they will shrivel during the drying process. They can be air-dried by hanging or in an upright position. You can also make a fresh arrangement and simply allow it to dry naturally. Handle hops carefully after drying as they tend to be rather brittle. You will notice a subtle scent for several weeks after harvesting.

Garden Essentials

Some modern day garden essentials are a patio area for dining with friends, outdoor built-in barbeques, pools, ponds, and sitting areas. However, the all time garden essential for providing beauty, fragrance and colour is flowers. We not only want everything to work together ie: the flowers with the plants, but they should also be very minimal upkeep. Coinciding with us wanting more out of our gardens, we find ourselves with less and less time available to spend actually working in the garden.
Having less time means relying more on delivery services and outside professionals. Picking up the phone to a reseller of flowers Meadowlakes is easier than driving to the garden centre after all!

Winter Arrangements
Flowers associated with winter include hellebores which, although not generally available as a cut flower, can be purchased as pot plants. This is also true of the poinsettia, which will last much longer if the roots can be retained. Poinsettias are now available in pinks and creamy whites as well as scarlet, and combine beautifully with red carnations and carnation sprays.
The early spring flowers Eastville can be teamed with some of the flowering winter branches, such as witch hazel or Viburnum x bodnantense. The first narcissi and tulips appear in winter and these and other spring flowers help to brighten the dark winter days. The spicy scent of hyacinths makes them a favourite, and the delicate beauty of snowdrops is a very special pleasure.

Design Principles
Composition is the organization of the elements within a design to achieve unification. Form, color and repetition contribute to the composition of the design.
Unity is created when the elements in a floral design relate to each other. The individual materials then blend together to produce a unified whole. This is achieved through color harmony as well as material selection.
Proportion refers to the correct relationship of the design elements; they should be of comparable size. The container or base determines the size of the items; a small wreath should not be overwhelmed with overly large flowers. Focal points should be similar sizes, whole fillers should be smaller. In addition, the scale of a design in relation to its surroundings must be considered. A tiny basket will look out of place on a long, formal dining table. For this reason it is often necessary to have an idea of your recipient’s home décor if you choose to send flowers South Williamsburg as a gift.
Balance results in visual and, often, physical stability. Placing smaller flowers of lighter colors at the top of a design with larger, darker flowers at the base provides visual stability. For symmetrical balance, place the elements in the design with equal visual weight on each side of a vertical line. By placing the items unequally on each side of the imaginary vertical line (heavier on one side), asymmetrical balance is established.

Too hot to handle
While some flower species can't tolerate lots of hot summer weather, the half hardy annuals may sometimes droop in this weather but they will perk up in the later summer months. You can choose some tender annuals like scarlet sage, morning glory, petunias, begonias, celosia, balsam, nasturtium, and verbena. Flowers that can withstand almost anything a Queensland winter has to throw at it can be found in the local shop you use to get your flowers delivered Llandaff. Always do your homework prior to planting as some plants just can't handle the heat of summer.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

No turning back for the local florist

Color Palette
Color is one of the most essen­tial elements in designing your garden. If you grow flowers of complementary colors, your dried flower arranging will be made easy. Many of the ever­lasting flowers (gomphrena, for example) have strong colors that need careful placement in the borders. Gomphrena 'Buddy', a lively royal purple flower that can be found in a Llandaff flower shop, looks terrific when grown next to shades of pink, white or even the sunny yellow of coreopsis. Vibrant colors such as yellow and orange will bring warmth and excitement to your arrangements. Strong colors are certainly important in the gar­den and in dried arrangements.
But remember that white is also indispensable; it helps to create harmony among the other colors. The white Ammobium (winged everlasting) and Anaphalis (pearly everlasting), for example, complement the strong rose and crimson colors of Aster novae-belgii. White also brightens up both the gar­den and arrangements. You'll find that pink roses are beauti­ful in combination with the blue of lavender. Experiment with color combinations to find your favorites!

Suitable flowers for all-round arrangement
To achieve the type of shape necessary for this design, a spike-shaped flower or foliage is ideal. The astilbe flower and foliage has been used well to form the outline shape. Other suitable flowers would be aconitums, campanulas, wax flowers, crocosmias, small or large gladioli or deiphiniurns, combined with ruscus, leatherleaf or eucalyptus foliage.
Once an outline has been established, a main line of more dominant flowers is taken through the centre of the design. Flowers suitable for this would include roses, carnations, gerberas, lilies and chrysanthemum blooms. The design is then completed using filler flowers, such as freesias, alstroemerias, and spray carnations, using the essential design principles to give the arrangement a pleasing shape. These include balance, harmony, scale, proportion and texture and each will be integral to any flower delivery Whitchurch you design.

Gloxinia and Smithiantha Bulbs
In the fourth category of bulbs are two of the most beautiful and popular varieties selected for Gateacre flower delivery, the gloxinia and the smithiantha, or temple bells. Since these are of tropical origin, they are grown as house plants the year round everywhere in the United States. The gloxinia, happily, can be brought into bloom at virtually any time of the year and is ideal for winter culture. The process takes from two to four months from potting to flowering, since the period of dormancy of one bulb is not always the same as another. So, to be sure of having Christmas color, plant gloxinia bulbs in late summer. The smithiantha starts flowering in summer but continues to bloom well into winter. Growing instructions are simple and are given in flower encyclopedias.

While cutting helps maintain or increase the number of flowers Willoughby East a rosebush bears, another technique can control the size of blossoms on hybrid teas and similar varieties. "Disbudding," which requires removal of all but the top flower buds on each stem, concentrates the plant's energy into the remaining buds. The results are fewer but much larger blooms. Disbud while the flower buds growing from the base of a leaf are still very small; about a quarter of an inch long. They are then so soft that you can snap them off with a finger without leaving an unsightly stub.

Choosing Flowers
Flowers used for floral designs are classified according to their function in an arrangement. To achieve a spectacular look, it is important to choose flowers which complement each other. Consider colors, textures, sizes and shapes of flowers and materials which will go into the design.
Mass or focal flowers are heavy blossoms, such as cabbage roses or sunflowers, or clusters of smaller blossoms, such as hydrangeas and lilacs. They fill large areas and usually are the focus of the design because their mass draws the eye. Small flowers, such as daisies, violets or dried starflowers, function as mass flowers when they are grouped and perceived as a single unit.
Line flowers are long, narrow flowers or materials, such as snapdragons, larkspur, wheat or even bare twigs. These materials pull the eye through the design, allowing the viewer to discover the elements. It’s important that the line flowers lead the eye through the design, rather than out of it. When a long flower stem is curved away form a wreath, the eye will follow that line off the wreath, interrupting the viewer’s concentration.
Filler flowers are small, airy materials which fill empty spaces within a design. Berries, dried caspia and baby’s breath are a few of the many types of filler flowers Tudor Village available. They become a background for the focal flowers and, by filling those empty spaces, prevent any disruptions of the viewer’s path through the design.

Shrub Roses
Toughness characterizes the group known as shrub roses, which are hardy enough to survive winters with­out protection even in very cold climates. Many are so-called species roses; their genetic characteristics are so firmly established that their seeds produce nearly uniform progeny, and they can be considered distinct botanical species. A number are so tough they will grow in the wild and in poor soil. Large and luxuriant plants, they can be grown singly, but are often planted in groups to provide a bold effect of massed color in hedges and screen plantings. Shrub roses vary considerably in height, growing from 2 to 10 feet tall; the av­erage is between 6 and 8 feet. Their blossoms come in white and shades of pink, red, yellow, orange and pur­ple. Most of the older varieties bloom only once, during the spring, but the newer types bloom almost con­tinuously from spring until frost. Many varieties also produce colorful red hips that are decorative in au­tumn gardens. Some bear the wild roses' five-petaled single blossoms but others have many-petaled flow­ers Bermondsey; their fragrance also varies, from none to strong.

Silky smooth
Nothing is as refreshing as having a fresh bouquet of Silk flowers in your home to brighten up your mood. Not only do they add some class but they make you feel better. If you want to enjoy the benefits of having a variety of flowers in your home everyday but can't afford the costs or bear to cut that many of your beautiful flowers then you can always go with a range of plastic or Silk flowers. To add some scent you can apply some potpourri oil to the foam at the base of the vase and it will seem as though you are smelling fresh flowers.
To create your own personalized floral arrangement, all you need is a pair of pliers to bend the wire, a pair of wire cutters to cut the stems, tape, wire, floral tape, and foam. Next, select a wide container such as a basket, vase, or bowl. Go with a holder that matches the color of the room that you plan to place it in.
Select silk flowers that are proportionate to each other so that they will blend in nicely together. Silk flowers make the perfect decoration for any occasion. If you are looking to pick up the atmosphere in your home or you have an event that you would like to add extra flavor to, go with silk flowers.
The nice thing about silk flowers is that the beauty is everlasting and are now available at most florists Old Swan shops. You don't have to worry about your poor plant not getting enough water and dying in the sun. Silk flowers will never die, and the color will also stay true. They are also very convenient to use, as they don't require as much attention as typical flowers do. You can leave them in a nice ceramic vase and they will be just fine for years to come.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Try as you might, flowers still come out on top

Victorian Posy
It was in the middle years of the nineteenth century that the Victorian posy became a favourite with both bride and bridesmaid. The design remained popular until the end of the century, when the shower bouquet took its place as the most favoured style.
The Victorian posy invariably has a rose in the centre as the focal flower. The circles of flowers surrounding the rose can be made with any small flower that has a flat or rounded head. In this design, scented hyacinths and scarlet carnation sprays are used with Viburnum carlesii, which adds another texture and its own light fragrance.
A design of this type is shaped in a soft dome, and the outer row of flowers are often a spike form, such as sprigs of heather, lilies of the valley or, as here, flowers of Skimmia japonica ‘Rubella’.
The posy can be completed with a circle of foliage or a pretty lace frill. In many cases, a combination of both is appealing. The pointed leaves of the camellia are used in this design, the glossy surface of the foliage contrasting well with the other textures. A well constructed victorian posy will complement any flower delivery Netherley you care to think of.

Garden Flowers
Growing your own flowers or foliage can provide many hours of pleasure. If you have only a small area it may pay to concentrate on growing foliage plants and supplement this constant source of material with blooms from the market or from the shops.
Preferably, cut your plants early in the morning or in the early evening when it is cooler. Carry a bucket of water with you and immediately a stem is cut place it in the bucket. Do not gather material and leave it on the ground to be collected later as the stems will become dehydrated and cause the flowers to wilt.
Always do your cutting with secateurs or a good pair of sharp scissors. Make a clean cut and never tug at the material or you could loosen the whole plant and cause it to die.
When you have bought your material inside, leave it to stand in the bucket for several hours so that it has a long drink before arranging it in other containers.
Once cut, flowers Llandaff and foliage last for varying amounts of time. Learning some techniques which can help extend the life of your material is well worthwhile.
Whether you have obtained your material straight from the garden or from a flower shop, it should be properly treated before being arranged.

The Ancient Lily
When asked, some Longsight florists are happy to tell the tale of the lily. One of the oldest plants known to man, the lily is mentioned in his­tory for the first time on a tablet that was inscribed in Sumeria near­ly 5,000 years ago. The tablet tells of a city in Persia that was surrounded by fields of lilies and in fact was named Susa, which means lily. Some scholars believe the lily spread from Persia in the caravans of nomads who took edible bulbs along as food for their long journeys; occasionally they would drop one, according to this theory, and it would take root and grow where it fell. In any case the lily traveled far, to Crete, Egypt, Greece, Rome and, probably in the baggage of homesick Roman soldiers, to northern Europe and England. Wherever it went, it took on an aura of sanctity. The Minoans associated it with their goddess Britomartis. The Greeks made it a symbol of their greatest goddess, Hera, and the Romans associated it with Juno, Hera's counterpart.

Buying flowers isn't a waste of money
Some women and most men see flowers as wasteful gifts: she prefers him to splurge on tangible goods that can be paraded around; and he prefers to impress with tangible goods that she can parade around. After all, fresh flowers wither in a matter of days, don't they? True, but honestly, you are still better off with flowers. Here are several reasons why you should be supporting your Noarlunga Centre florist:

  • Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Flowers are an intelligent woman's real best friend.
    Intelligent women would rather have roses on their tables than diamonds on their necks. A sole stalk, according to several scientific findings, is able create passion, to soothe, to cheer, to beautify...with its very presence. Like a true friend, flowers improve moods and create intimateness. A diamond, in all of its indestructible nature, can only look pretty perched on a slender finger. There is a reason why we do not have bimbos for best friends.
  • Flowers, unlike diamonds and designer goods, are easier on the wallet.
    Honestly, for much fewer hundreds of dollars, flowers can produce the same (perhaps more positive) reaction for the receiver. Everyone remembers the first time she receives flowers.
  • Flowers do more than what you paid it for.
    Giving flowers not only show that you love him/her; it shows that you have the initiative to dedicate effort and time in choosing a perfect bouquet.
  • You can never go wrong with flowers.
    But you can go wrong with chocolates (“are you trying to get me fatter than I am?”), cut /colour/clarity/ carat weight of diamonds (“this is not Tiffany's Lucida diamond ring!”), and designer goods (“this is Pucci not Gucci!”).

Quick drying of flowers
Remember that it is by drying quickly that you will get the best results. If drying in a shed or garage, watch the seed heads carefully because if they dehydrate very rapidly they shrivel and tend to slip out of the strings holding them together. Place bundles well apart so they get as much air as possible circulating round them.
Light materials like grasses take about a week or so to dry, and heavier stems of, say, seed heads of hollyhocks, sedum, cardoons and lupins, take about three weeks. You can get these within a flower delivery Hamilton if you don't have the time to do it yourself. When dry these can be cut down and stored in boxes in a dry place. Always keep a lid on the box to exclude light, as they fade very quickly.
The more precious seed and flower heads, like statice and acrolinium, I tie in small bunches and dry them over the boiler in the kitchen. They dry very quickly like this and are not in the way too long!

Plants for tubs and hanging baskets
One of the plants which has improved so dramatically over these last few years is the begonia. The small semperflorens with their excellent and wide colour range are superb in pots, tubs and hanging baskets. They are also excellent for use as a bedding plant as well, for they flower right into October, or at least until the first frost. I have never been a lover of tuberous-rooted begonias though they are magnificent as a handsome planting in parks or large areas where they have plenty of space to show off to their best advantage. But these little semperfiorens are another matter altogether, and a great delight. ‘Venus Rose’ is one of my favourites, and is always included whenever I have flowers delivered Redland. It stays a good shade of pink all summer as does ‘Rosanova’, and ‘Dancia Scarlet’ has the added attraction of dark bronze foliage which is a lovely plus.

Available foods
Many brands of flower food are available, and there are also various dispensing systems. All are aimed at prolonging the vase life of cut flowers, and the final choice will depend on individual preference. Flower foods are also manufactured for specific types of cut materials. Shrub and bulb flowers can have their own food, and bouvardia flowers often arrive with their own ‘personal’ sachet. A liquid food is the most recent method to become available in bulk form to florists. A dispensing pump makes it easy to measure the correct amount.
Another way of providing flowers Ingleside with nutrients uses a label containing the additives. This is simply dropped into tepid water, which is mixed with sugar. With each method, it is essential that all the ingredients are measured accurately, following the producer’s instructions, and mixed thoroughly.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Black day for local florists

Bud opening

Buds are stimulated to open by different things. For many plants, heat will stimulate bud opening; so keeping the plant cool is important if you wish to delay bud opening. This is very important, and cannot be overlooked. When ordering flowers from a Melbourne CBD florist, remember the following tips and your flowers will last longer than ever before so you can enjoy the warmth and beauty of nature in your home.

Special solutions can be used to help regulate bud opening, extend the life of the flower and discourage disease attacking and rotting the stems. This is particularly important on some types of flowers when they are picked early. Carnations, among other things, are often treated this way. Solutions can be used to do the following:

  • Increase the number of flowers on stems harvested prematurely.
  • In cold storage, delay immature buds from opening for a short period until market demand increases
  • To hold buds from opening until after a weekend when businesses are closed and selling isn't happening for a couple of days.

Solutions often contain sugars to compensate (partly) for inadequate food reserves available to the buds, and a sterilant such as sodium hypochlorite, to kill disease organisms in the water. The strength of chemicals used can be critical. Some flowers are damaged by concentrations which are ideal for others. (eg. Roses and chrysanthemums are susceptible to excessively high levels of sugar).

These solutions need appropriate temperatures to be absorbed by the plant. At very low temperatures they will not be absorbed, so cool stored plants may be sometimes put into a warmer situation for a period before cool storage to allow absorption.
So the next time you're ordering flowers Flemington, bear in mind this long complicated process of getting those blooms to your recipient.

Check out this flower - Tulipa
Tulips, a mainstay of spring gardens everywhere, can provide abundant flowers in a wide spectrum of colors from March through May, and many varieties can be enjoyed as house plants in midwinter. Dwarf varieties are excellent in rock gardens, and tall-growing ones are indispensable in borders. Most tulips make excellent cut flowers.
More than 4,000 named varieties of tulips are now in existence; several hundred are available commercially from a Wellington flower shop. They are grouped into 15 classes, which are subject to almost constant revision.
Garden tulips are classed not only by their ancestry and flowering characteristics, but also by their time of bloom. In Zone 6, for example, so-called early-flowering tulips such as T. kaufmanniana and T. fosteriana bloom in mid- to late April, mid season tulips (Mendel, triumph, Darwin hybrid) bloom in late April to early May, and late-flowering tulips (Darwin, lily-flowered, cottage, Rembrandt, parrot, double late, T. greigii) bloom throughout May. Tulip flowers usually have cups about 2 or 3 inches deep but those that have been developed to bear unusually large flowers may have cups more than 4 inches deep. Some of the species tulips have cups as small as 1 inch deep.

White Rose Purity

The white rose is known as the traditional wedding flower and as such, it signifies pureness of a newly formed bond between lovers. The tradition of brides carrying a bouquet of white roses was started in 1840, at the wedding of Queen Victoria. During this momentous occasion, white roses were used abundantly throughout the ceremony. Since then, the tradition was formed and passed on through generations. No wonder they are so popular as a flower delivery Bromsgrove around the time of a wedding.

Brides carry a bouquet of white roses during their wedding ceremony to indicate their purity, virginity and innocence. That being said, white roses also state the reputation of women in society – that they are clean and untainted. In Ancient Rome for example, white rose bushes were planted at the graves of deceased young women to indicate their virginity and innocence.

Coloured roses

  • A single white rose is used by someone that wants to say ‘I’m sorry’ to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times, white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence. So sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure. If you send flowers Bradford in Perth then the single white rose is an excellent choice.
  • A single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your other half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single yellow roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.

Fresh flowers and pot plants at Christmas
A wide range of beautiful and dramatic pot plants, such as poinsettias and flowers that have been specially prepared to flower ahead of their natural season, is available at this time of year. These make lovely gifts for the Christmas hostess or decorations for the festive home.
The florist is the best supplier of quality flowers and foliage plants that have been well conditioned and prepared for sale. The Christmas stock now includes a fascinating range of plants, flowers and foliage from all over the world ready and waiting to be a part of your next flower delivery Baldwin Vista. For a stress free Christmas period, a florist must be well prepared.

What is Conditioning?
Conditioning is the treatment given to cut flowers and foliage in order to encourage the uptake of water and ensure that the vase life is as long as possible.
The general procedure is as follows: remove the packaging and then cut away any foliage that will fall below the waterline; groom the materials, removing damaged foliage, petals or flower heads; cut 2.5-5cm (1-2in) from the stem, cutting diagonally and using a sharp knife (not scissors), and place the materials immediately into prepared tepid water. An angled cut prevents the stem end from standing flat on the container bottom, impeding the water supply. All good florists will perform this kind of conditioning on their flowers whilst preparing them for a flower delivery Queenslie.

Symmetrical Arrangements
The symmetrical arrangement is a highly versatile design that is made in all sizes and for a wide variety of occasions. Part of its almost universal popularity is due to its very elegant appearance, which gives it tremendous appeal. Prepare the container and start the design with the long foliage stems. This will provide the outline for the design, and give protection to the flowers. The minimum height of the design is one and a half times the height (or width if it is long rather than tall) of the container. Often, the foliage is longer than the minimum, as this adds to the elegance of the design.
The width of the design is classically two- thirds of the height, and the depth at the front of the container is a third of the height. It must be remembered that these calculations are approximate, and the size of a design will ultimately be determined by the requirements of the customer, or the position that the design will fill. Bear in mind the size of the arrangement when organising to have the flowers delivered Church and ensure that sufficient van space is available.

That wild wedding look
If you want the garden style, wildflower look for your wedding theme, your best choice may be locally grown Australian flowers. Available during the growing season from Spring through Autumn, a local flower grower will have flowers that are usually priced lower than a traditional flower shop, as well as having flowers that are not usually available at a retail florist. The advantage of going through an established Radyr Florist for your flowers however is that you can call on all their experience of providing wedding floral arrangements. This experience can prove to be invaluable, especially when you have a thousand and one other things to organise for the big day.

Design Harmony
You can achieve harmony in your design by using plant material to help blend colors together. Green, which is ever-present in nature, is extremely useful in dried arrangements. The many variations, from the pale yellow-green to the deep blue-green, all help unify your finished arrangement. The veins and subtle hints of other color in your dried material will also help to blend the arrangement.
To give your arrangement a natural appearance, use flowers of different heights. Cut or lengthen stems of similar flowers so that they are varying heights. Before you cut the stems, hold them close to the spot where you plan to place them. Let your eye judge the best height and angle. This pre­vents unnatural and stiff-look­ing lines in the arrangement. If you are having the arrangement delivered by Woodlawn flower delivery, be sure that you protect it from shipping damage prior to sending. Also, use odd numbers of flow­ers. Odd numbers seem to create a more pleasing effect. You can easily test this theory. First, place just two flowers in a vase. Next place three flowers in a vase. Which looks better to you?

Can't get enough aye?
Ok, so you need even more facts, tips and information on flowers? Well, you're in luck, just head over to Florist Files for more great information. Say hi from us as you browse through their mountain of flower and florist tips.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where have all the flowers gone?

Using the Pressing Method
Press only flowers that are free of damage caused by in­sects or disease. Also, choose a plant suitable for pressing and select a bud, an open flower and a leaf or piece of foliage. This allows you to preserve the different stages of the plant, from bud to final flower head. Spread the leaves or flowers onto an absorbent piece of paper. Special blotting paper bought from a florist Abbotsford can be used, but paper towels will do the job. (Use paper towels that don't have ridges, as these will mark your finished flowers.) Make sure the plant material does not overlap and touch. This will prevent the bleeding of color and uneven pressure. Insert the absorbent paper with the plant material between the pages of a book. The thickness of the paper will determine how many pages should go between each set of flowers. If the paper is thin, use three sheets between each set to avoid bleeding of color. Write the name of the pressed material and the date on each page. This is an important step because it is often difficult to identify the plant once it has dried. Place a brick on top to provide adequate pressure. Most flowers will take four to six weeks to dry, depending on such factors as thickness of the flower petals. Keep a close watch and transfer flowers onto fresh, dry blotting paper if necessary.

The colour of summer
The colours available in summer flowers are as profuse as the varieties. Sweet peas come in a range of blues, whites, purples, red and pinks, from the softest shell pink to deepest crimson. The fiery oranges and rich yellows of the marigolds contrast with the soft cool green of lady’s mantle, and on the hottest of summer days there are plenty of flowers to choose for a refreshing design in blues and white.
The shapes and textures of cut materials (flowers and foliage) are also diverse, including tiny lavender spikes, the large spears of the red hot poker, rounded hydrangea heads, and lilies, with their pointed petals. At this time of year, there is a selection for every type of design, and numerous possible containers from which to choose, always bearing in mind that the latter need to be sufficiently large to hold a good-sized reservoir of water for thirsty summer flowers. All good florists Christchurch should be able to provide you with an abundant array of colourful summer blooms to brighten any occasion.

A florist’s toolbox
Today, the creative possibilities are endless, and the professional florist needs to master the basic techniques and skills first before moving on to more advanced and free style designs. Colourful, unusual, delicate and exotic are just some of the words used to describe the fantastic range of flowers and foliage types now available for florists to use. Appropriate handling of these materials takes skill and knowledge. A florist with the ability to give his or her customers aftercare advice and special tips will attract more customers who appreciate their expertise when ordering flowers Greenbrae.

Wild Flowers
Perhaps the best way of describing a wild flower is to say it is a flower which propagates itself in those places where it can survive and thrive. I suppose every flower is a native of some part of the world — orchids in Malaysia, for example, and acrolinium in Australia. I remember seeing sheets of the pink and white daisy-like flowers lining the roads north of Perth in Western Australia. It is extremely popular with arrangers and Chislehurst florists who specialise in dried flowers as it dries particularly well. I believe that brides in Jamaica love having Queen Anne’s lace in their wedding bouquets, whereas here where it grows in such abundance we would scarcely think of using it. Possibly because it would not last long before wilting.

Bacteria woes
As well as from air pockets, stems can become blocked by bacteria. The growth of these micro-organisms in the water and inside the stems can cause serious problems to sensitive flowers such as gerberas and roses. A clean wound surface is essential, as the damaged cells rot faster, and the end result is decay and the spread of bacteria that will pollute the water.
Unpleasant smells can develop as the cells in the foliage below the waterline collapse. As the bacteria continues to grow, the stem ends (particularly if damaged) become slimy and disagreeable to handle. This in turn leads to premature wilting of flowers St Annes and foliage.

Hybrid Perpetual Roses
Hybrid perpetuals are seldom seen in a Bedworth flower shop today. Like the heavy furniture, beaded curtains and Tiffany lamps of the Victorian era, they are still around but their peak has passed. And what a peak it was; by the end of the 19th Century, some 3,000 varieties had been developed. The few that have proved timeless are valued for their hardiness, disease resistance and fragrance. They can be grown without winter protection in mild climate zones.
Hybrid perpetuals are the first of the modern roses, concocted about 1840 from the damask, China and Bourbon dynasties. The second part of the name is misleading; when they were introduced, they did indeed blossom more steadily than any other class then available. But most varieties bloom profusely in June, then produce a more modest flowering in the fall, with occasionally, in some cases, a sprinkling of blossoms during the months in between.

Quick Tips to keep your cut flowers longer

  • Use plain, lukewarm water for most cut flowers, but use cold water for bulb flowers, such as daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips.
  • Change the water every 2 days — don’t just top it off. This is the single most effective thing you can do to keep your flowers looking fresh.
  • Keep flowers out of direct sunlight, and move them to a cool place at night.
  • Give daffodils their own vase — daffodil stems give off a compound that is toxic to other flowers.
  • Keep cut flowers away from fruit, which releases a gas that causes flowers to age faster.

Purchase your fresh flowers online through a reputable florist, or take some extra time and source your lovely blooms with someone who specialises in delivering fresh flowers Fairwater. There are many, many places available these days were you can purchase those blooms online and get them delivered the same day.

The Roses of an Ancient World
The rose was an ancient flower long before the first men appeared on earth. Fossil specimens indicate that the flowers bloomed in what is now the American West mil­lions of years before the oldest known picture of a rose was painted on a Cretan wall during the Bronze Age 36 centuries ago.
In ancient Greek literature, the rose ac­quired a powerful mystique. Homer wrote in the Iliad that roses decorated the shield of Achilles and the helmet of Hector when they fought their mortal duel during the Trojan War. King Midas of Phrygia, legendary possessor of the golden touch, is said to have grown magnificent 60-petaled specimens in his gardens and would send flowers Netherley to many of his followers. It is believed that many islands of the Mediterranean were once covered with wild roses, including several varieties of Rosa gal­lica, the oldest identifiable rose and the basic ancestor of all modern roses. The name of one island, Rhodes, in fact comes from rhodon, the Greek word for "rose." Early in their history, the seafaring Rhodians adopted the rose as their symbol, and stamped it on many of their coins, which were widely circulated and used as currency throughout the length and breadth of the Mediterranean.

One of my favourite flowers - Achillea (yarrow)
Characteristics: Yarrow is a long-blooming and rugged pe­rennial. It will quickly establish handsome colonies in the border. The flowers bloom from June through September. To maintain maximum color, cut flowers that are no more than two days old, because they tend to fade with time. I find that the easiest yarrow to dry is Achillea filipendulina, com­monly called fern-leaf yarrow. It has striking yellow flower heads that appear on sturdy 4-foot-tall stems. The foliage of yarrow has a lovely fragrance and can be dried and added to potpourri. The pungent foliage can also help deter moths when used in storing winter gar­ments.
Harvesting/Drying: Harvest in late summer when the flowers are fully opened and the heads feel firm to the touch. Hang in­dividual stems in a warm, dark, well-ventilated spot or dry them upright. If space is lim­ited you may tie a small bunch together with a rubber band, but the flower shape is better if each flower is hung individu­ally. Be careful not to crush the flower heads. Dried yarrow is a good filler plant and travels well if you plan to send flowers Batesville to another person. It makes a soft, natural, yellow base, which blends well with other dried materials. For a winning combination, combine yarrow with blue salvia. Use in potpourri or as filling for dresser drawer moth bags where its fragrant foliage will help deter moths.

Need more?
This information is brought to you by the Flower Baron. Another great resource for flower and florist information is The Home of Flower Lovers.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let's go to the flower show

Pew ends . .
Everyone loves pew ends. They guide the bride down the aisle to the altar; they make the scene complete, and they help to give the church a fairytale appearance. In addition, pew ends are expected to be a low-cost item, and they can be a good way of using up short flowers.
Traditional style
If the wedding is in a traditional church or cathedral, the flowers are generally massed, with little space left between them and with lots of foliage. The typical arrangements to choose for the occasion would be large triangle-shaped pedestals, and the pew ends would be in keeping with these. Again, they would be triangular in shape, but in this case with the length running down the design, and with flowers and foliage massed together.
Modern style
In a modern building, it is far more appropriate to make the arrangements modern. Use bold flowers and leaves, and lots of space. Here again, the pew ends would echo the larger arrangements. Getting the flowers delivered Horfield to the church on time is also a critical factor to take into consideration.

My Favourite Flowers - Agapanthus
The Headbourne varieties are the best hybrids of this popular perennial plant. Headbourne hybrids,
Carrying round heads of clustered florets on stout, smooth stems that grow 60—90 cm (2—3 ft) high, they are most welcome for the flower arranger as they give a blue flower head at a time when there are few other tall blue flowers. I have always felt that agapanthus was not hardy, but today there seem to be several hardy strains. Whether grown against a wall, or in the herbaceous or shrub border, they provide a lovely patch of blue and a nice change of form, with their decorative strap-like basal leaves.
Plant in April or May in any good garden soil, but preferably against a south- or west-facing wall. It is a worthwhile precaution to protect the plants against winter frosts by covering them in October or November with a 15 cm (6 in) layer of peat, straw or bracken. This is also the best time to get them from your local florists Hammersmith.
Conditioning and preserving
The flower heads last very well with no special treatment but, rather like azaleas, it is important to remove each floret as it dies, or the whole head begins to look dead long before it is really over. The buds continue to open in water, so you can keep the flower stems in a vase for a few weeks.
For preserving, leave the flower heads on the stems until the seed is well formed, then cut and hang the stems upside down to dry off thoroughly. They can then be used whole, or taken apart and used individually in smaller vases.
I think one of the best examples of the use of agapanthus can be in an arrangement with acanthus, though they will mix well in any large arrangement, using the stems short or full length. They add that vital touch of blue so important in mixed flower groups, or make an excellent focal point for a foliage arrangement in late July through to September, the combination of blue colour and rounded shape making an excellent foil against mixed leaves.

Lines within your floral design
Lines are visual paths, created by flowers, foliage or accessories, which the eye follows so they appear to have visual movement, which is called rhythm. The lines may be straight, curving, simple, bold or gentle; they may have vertical, horizontal or diagonal movement, and the visual effect of this can be fast or slow.
Ways of creating lines
Indirect lines are formed by a graded sequence of flowers, foliage types or accessories, and a line of this type is built up by placing materials on different levels, usually in vertical or diagonal lines. Horizontal lines should he avoided, as they tend to cut a design in half visually. Indirect lines link the outline and focal point line, and also fill in gaps, so that the design created by the Geebung florist looks attractive from all angles.
A direct line appears where the line is visually solid. Materials that can be used to create a direct line include contorted willow (curving lines), Phormium tenax (straight lines), and trails of hedera or paper ribbon tubing.

Drying in water
I find the only way to dry hydrangea heads well is, strangely enough, with their feet in water and their heads in a warm atmosphere. Cut the heads when the colour starts to change from pink to red, and blue to a greeny colour. Remove all the leaves and stand the stems in about 5cm (2 in) of water and place the jar on or near a boiler or in an airing cupboard. The warmer they are the quicker they dry and the heads will stay a better colour. Getting flowers delivered Crossmyloof may seem the easier option, but there is immense satisfaction in doing it yourself.
I dry a few stems of the charming green bell-like spikes of moluccella or ‘Bells of Ireland’, by first standing them in shallow water on a pin-holder so that they take on charming natural curves. Then I transfer them to a jam jar, still in a little water, until they are completely dry. They are strange as sometimes they stay green and sometimes turn a parchment colour. I always place a few stems into a solution of glycerine as this gives a glossy texture and keeps them from dropping. Seed heads of hosta also dry well like this and you can watch the green closed seed heads gradually opening out and turning back to reveal all their seeds.

Stick to the tried and tested
When arranging flowers, many people consider only the sensuous impact the actual blossoms will have on the beholder. But flowers Stretford are more than just blossoms — they are also composed of stems, leaves and roots. And then there are the myriad other forms a flowering plant may assume, such as a tree, shrub or vine. Taking an artistic risk with an arrangement rather than sticking to the tried and tested, may therefore result from an impulse to experiment with the delightful and novel shapes and textures of tall, smooth stems, glossy leaves, rustling grasses, bare branches and sculptural seedpods.

Unusual flowers - Echinacea (coneflower)
Characteristics: Coneflower is a wonderful addition to any garden. It is a sturdy plant with showy flower heads 3 to 4 inches across. The flowers Playa del Rey re­semble black-eyed Susan, but have reflexed petals, and bloom in pink and white. The foliage, 3 to 4 inches long, is dark green and coarse in texture. Echinacea is an American native and is lovely when grown in an informal or woodland garden setting.
Cultural Information: Echinacea will grow in an ordinary soil but prefers soil enriched with compost to help it tolerate heat and drought. Grow individual plants from seed. Prevent overcrowding by dividing every three years. Space plants 18 inches apart and enrich the soil before replanting.
Harvesting/Drying: For dried arrangements allow the flower heads to dry naturally on the plant before harvesting. Seed heads are also interesting in dried arrangements.

Hospital flowers
Everyone loves flowers, and someone who is ill and in hospital will appreciate them even more than usual. Flowers convey love and affection, sunshine and happiness, making the patient feel cherished, and it is very important that a florist should select appropriate flowers to send in such cases.
Hospitals are normally very warm, especially the maternity wards, and it is therefore essential that any flowers sent are long-lasting species, which can tolerate heat. Spring flowers and roses, unfortunately, do not last long in warm temperatures, but there are some suitable flowers and foliages for consideration, including the following:
carnations and spray carnations
Alstroemeria hybrids
Astrantia major
Wax flowers
Chrysanthemum blooms and sprays
Cymbidium orchids
Limonium sinuatum
Triteleia hybrids

All flowers delivered Pacifica should be well conditioned before being sent out. Make sure the stems have been cut correctly and that they have stood in water for at least three to four hours, but preferably overnight, to get a good drink before being used.

Summer annuals

These annuals as their name suggests, are not comfortable in the cold winter months so the ideal time to grow them is three weeks after the last spring frost. Since these annual flowers grow well in warm climates, you can expect to see them in all of their glory in the late spring and the warm months of summer. Just imagine strolling into your garden to pick some beautiful fresh blooms to place on your coffee table. If you can't be bothered to go to all of this trouble to grow your own flowers then you might want to just organise a flower delivery Corrigan in Victoria to meet your needs.

Dried Flowers

There are many methods that we can use to dry flowers, and we discuss one of these here. As always, if you have any doubts, always call your local flower delivery Arrochar expert for some sound advice.

Air-drying, also known as "hang and dry" method, is the oldest and simplest method for preserving flowers. The flowers are collected, tied and then hung upside down in a warm, dry place. Since the flowers are dried in air, the method is referred to as "air-drying". This needs to be done in a darkened room to help retain the color of the flowers. Flowers such as baby's breath, cattail, celosia, dock, goldenrod, heather and pussy willow preserve well when stored this way. Blue and yellow flowers retain their color whereas pink flowers tend to fade miserably.

It's a rewarding hobby to get into, and one that I thoroughly recommend. A wonderful stress buster for those of us we lead a hectic lifestyle and just want to perform a relaxing task in our leisure time.

Further reading
Thanks for reading the post, we hope you enjoyed these great flower facts and tips. If you're a florist, or looking to become one, you may also enjoy Florist Files which has even more information for you.

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