Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Magical flower facts

Rose Remedies

Roses have figured prominently in many ancient home remedies, and even in black magic. Some people even chose to have these “magical” flowers delivered Rostrevor to help cure their ailment. For a sore mouth, a medieval doctor prescribed a hot potation made of ground rose petals and peppercorns. The Crusaders used a salve made of red roses to treat their battle wounds. Four pounds of roses went into a batch of ointment that, an 18th Century Englishman alleged, would relieve aches and strains in man or beast. Quite different powers were claimed for powdered rose petals and mustard seed mixed with the fat of a green woodpecker, according to a 12th Century English account. If a man applied this concoction to a neighbor's fruit trees, the recipe stated, it would stop them from bearing fruit forever.

Drying on the premises

Professional growers of dried flowers have temperature-controlled warehouses with dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process. In the florist’s shop, the same flowers and foliage can be air dried. The process is very simple, but it takes longer. Because it is so simple, many florists underestimate the potential that air drying has for even the smallest business. Materials dried ‘in house’ give the arrangements created a personal touch, and are a way of selling cut materials that have not proved popular when sold fresh.

So what is the best way to air dry? An area with a good circulation of air is required, out of direct sunlight. The ceiling area of a business meets these qualifications and generally provides an ideal place for drying flowers. Lengths of twine or binding wire can be strung across the ceiling so that bunches of flowers delivered Southland and foliage can be attached to it, upside down. As well as having a rustic charm, viewed from below, these attractive bunches of flowers, herbs and foliage will eventually serve a practical purpose.


While cutting helps maintain or increase the number of flowers Tarzana a rosebush bears, another technique can control the size of blossoms on hybrid teas and similar varieties. "Disbudding," which requires removal of all but the top flower buds on each stem, concentrates the plant's energy into the remaining buds. The results are fewer but much larger blooms. Disbud while the flower buds growing from the base of a leaf are still very small; about a quarter of an inch long. They are then so soft that you can snap them off with a finger without leaving an unsightly stub.

The Seasons

In every country, the seasons bring their own particular delights, but the florist is also aware of the multi-cultural and international associations with different seasons and can therefore satisfy, with a host of imported, ‘early’ or ‘late’ flowers, the requests of each and every customer.


When spring arrives, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and many other spring flowers have already been available for some months, but this is the season we associate with these flowers. Bright, cheerful colours in natural baskets are tempting and often the first choice for any flower delivery Finsbury at this time of year.

Early summer

Lilies of the valley, peonies, broom, cow parsley and achillea are just a few of the lovely summer flowers that we can expect to see now.

Storing Dried Flowers

To further preserve dried flow­ers (regardless of the drying method), spray them lightly with a dried flower preserva­tive. There are several commer­cial sprays made expressly for this purpose and can be found at a Chester Park flower shop. However, I find hairspray to be just as effec­tive. Dried berries and seed­pods can be dipped into a jar of shellac. Store your dried flowers, berries and seedpods in a dry, dark area. This helps them maintain their natural color. Some light is acceptable as long as it does not shine di­rectly on the dried flowers. To protect your dried flowers from excessive sunlight, store them in closed containers between layers of tissue paper. Label and date the individual boxes. Try to use the oldest materials first to ensure freshness.

Wedding flowers on a budget

You could use a floral headpiece as a substitute for the bouquet if you are on a tight budget. The floral headpiece can easily be used instead of a bouquet to throw into the crowd of expectant women. This sure is an unusual way to lend that personal touch to the ceremony and can be really inexpensive when compared to the cost of a bouquet. If you plan on wearing a veil, then flowers can still be incorporated into the design. Just ask your local florist to get the best advice on which flowers will look best with your colour scheme. Once you have decided on the arrangement you want, the florist can send flowers
Little Aston
over to you.

Be Charitable

You can thank an organization called "Charity Flowers" for this great idea. This is something that offers a service (buying floral arrangements), makes someone happy (the recipient of the bouquet) but gives some (or all) of the profits to certain worthwhile charities. It’s not often you see a group of retailers get together like this to benefit someone other than themselves. Please check the next time you send flowers that a Llandaff Florist within this scheme has been designated to deliver your flowers. If you're unsure, please ask your florist if they contribute in this scheme, it really is a worthwhile cause.

Preserving the Beauty of Nature

At the end of the winter I look forward to the awakening of the garden. I de­light in the first signs of spring and the sight of each and every bulb, tree, shrub and flower. I eagerly anticipate the gathering of the first of many floral bouquets so that I may send flowers Tranmere to those I hold dear. However, this yearly ritual brings mixed feelings because in the best of circumstances, the cut flowers will last only a few days in water. If only they could last longer! Since the beginning of time, people have wished to preserve the beauty of nature throughout the long winter months.

In my quest to learn more about preserving flowers, I have met many people who have taken on the hobby of flower drying and who treat it as an art, sometimes devoting their full time to it. Most of the enthusiasts plant, grow, nurture, harvest and dry their own flowers and ultimately create wonderful displays.

It is estimated that 80 percent of flowers can be successfully dried and preserved. This was a surprise to me because I had always thought of dried flowers as everlastings. The term ever­lasting brings to mind an arrangement of life­less flowers in a limited range of beige, yellow and orange colors. But I have learned that the term is misleading.

Creating your Christmas Garland

Wreaths and crosses made with evergreens are normally assembled using traditional mossed frames, which can withstand considerable handling, but now that foam bases are increasingly available, the latter are also becoming common for these seasonal designs.

A point to remember when using foam bases is to insert the holly firmly. Added security is given if the sprigs of holly at vulnerable points are mounted with stub wires before insertion. Being able to create these kinds of arrangements is an important weapon in the arsenal of any good florist Alice and is an essential skill to possess at the festive time of year.

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